Adult Swim announces new Anime.

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Adult Swim announces new Anime.

Post by Ojisama » 19 May 2022, 13:18

Ninja Kamui an all new anime series from the acclaimed Director Sunghoo Park (Jujutsu Kaisen) and characters designed by Takeshi Okazaki (Afro Samurai)

It tells the story of Joe Higan, a skilled assassin who was trained by a powerful clan of ninjas. Higan travels to America to raise his family and escape his bloody past, but the clan he used to work for tracks him down, murders his family, and leaves him for dead. Now seeking revenge, Higan must use ancient ninja techniques to strike back against the clan's new generation of high-tech warriors, which includes combat cyborgs and rival ninjas.

There's no release date yet, but it will be showing on Adult Swim and HBO Max.


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