here was a watching anime club ... (or something alike... XDDD )
So well, I just received an email notification on My Anime List ( as probably some of you too)... with a kind of "Challenge" for binge animes over the next two and a half months ( until end of August) so i like quite the idea... so I proposed here (copy and paste XDD ) the rules ...
wanna joint me? we may can decide independently from MAL, with "GENRE" to watch every 'season' ...What is Summer Watch?
SummerWatch will be a series of six bi-weekly challenges that will occur over the course of June to the end of August. Each session will have a different theme, and it is up to you to find some anime to fulfill it! You only need to watch a minimum of one anime for each session, but you only got two weeks to complete each one!
General Rules
Each session will have a different theme, and the anime you watch must fit the criteria of the theme. The themes will be very basic and general enough for you to decide what titles will fit, so don’t think these challenges are very difficult. The only challenge comes from finding as many titles as you can watch in a session!
As mentioned earlier, the event will go on for three months (June to August.) The schedule for the sessions as followed (each session’s theme will be announced on the day of):
Be ready for the SummerWatch! First session starts on June 14th!
- Session #1: June 14th – June 27th
Session #2: June 28th – July 11th
Session #3: July 12th – July 25th
Session #4: July 26th – August 8th
Session #5: August 9th – August 22nd
Session #6: August 23rd – September 5th