The story centers on Iria Sorari and the mecha include the Zeon mobile suit Zaku II and the Federation mobile suit Gundam and focuses on the European Front during the One Year War made famous by the first Gundam anime.
The six, thirty minute episodes will be streaming worldwide on NETFLIX, but no date yet for the airing.
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
Moderators: Expendable, Ojisama, Beex
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
- belsammael
- Veteran Member
- Posts: 12841
- Joined: 13 May 2007, 21:44
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
Yeah, I noticed this trailer last week; looks interesting, let's see what Netflix made of it
"Peace through tiramisu" - Megatron
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
Coming in October.
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
Debut confirmed as October 17.
The first 4 minutes of episode 1 has been streaming as a promo.
The first 4 minutes of episode 1 has been streaming as a promo.
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.