Blast Off [Tuffin]

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 25 Feb 2024, 06:43

Work has been tiring, but in a weird way.
Long rant coming!
My plant is shared by multiple groups, with me currently being assigned to the Space & Sea one. Most days, I run the x ray machine Space purchased for their department/items because I still am the only person on site qualified for radiographic inspections. (That is, a different mess) I typically do not mind, because it keeps me busy and I love working on our projects because space is great and so is making sure people can breathe in space. The machine they purchased, they chose because it only needed to check our small OD tube welds and maybe some small eb welds on some ports. Also fine. Except now other areas now know of the machine and are requesting I run their parts. Problems are two-fold. One: their items are larger units, mostly because they are from the AMS (air management systems) group, who do projects for big ass airplanes and shit. It'll be like heat exchangers with cores bigger than me, which my little machine really does not have the kv to complete. I do try and explain this to them, but they just want to "save money and time by staying in house". Except, it doesn't do either if I cannot actually do it and instead you tell me to try anyway and I waste everyone's time. I have also tried to get this across to the bigger boss in Space, since he is the one who approves anything outside Space to come in/be assigned to me and others. He does not mind me wasting their time, because he gets crazy good charge rates for trying to work items for other areas. Which brings me to my second issue. Two: Bigger boss is awful about selecting the appropriate KPIs and how he gains his data. One thing he primarily uses to rate our performance is our "efficiency numbers". Which he literally just checks how many hours we work are charged to space programs vs anything else. Which means each time he approves one of these AMS jobs to be run by me, he makes great money but because I then have to charge outside of Space, my numbers tank. So, it means I am now wasting time attempting impossible items and my numbers show I am shit. I have tried to speak with him about this mess, arguing that maybe there could be a different way to eval my charges. Since, he assigns these projects to me it is not like I can just not do them. Plus, returning to the whole only one certified in the building bit...means anything big boss approves to be radiographed, means it's in my queue and no one else's and I legitimately have no choice but to run it eventually. It is just a mess and I absolutely loathe it. Especially because the AMS people are getting quite awful in their messages (luckily it's all by email because third shift means they won't ever be there when I am) because they feel my area is not completing things in a timely manner, or they're pissed when I have to give receipts that prove how I cannot process their request. It is just getting really tiring.
Not to mention how I am supposed to be working on training someone on both x ray and another area I am certified to run, but that has gone on a bit of a hiatus because the internal certification requires x number of hours working space specific items. Which means while I do (or just attempt enough to prove it's impossible) the non-space work, I cannot have him earn his trainee hours. What a freaking mess/pain.

Despite it all, still the best job I have ever had and I still enjoy it most of the time.
Just had that rant building up because of two AMS items that have been sitting over in my queue on and off for WEEKS.

Aside from work, stuff is good.
Had a few more rehearsals for the chorus. Not sure if I will go for a solo.
Got 100% on Dogs Organized Neatly! Will need a new puzzle game soon.
Got stuck on a BG3 mission (do these foundry workers really have a death wish or what?!) so I purchased newest like a dragon.
Shits just ridiculous and I love turn based games.
This fucking game...
No DnD this weekend, which means double DnD next weekend.
Love DnD but love it best when the Sat and Sun groups aren't aligned to be the same weekend!

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 26 Feb 2024, 01:49

Busy week coming up!
Monday night we're going to see a movie.
Tues and Thurs night I have my chorus group rehearsals.
Fri night I am seeing an old friend for dinner, then a dance class, then board games
Sat night DnD
Sun night DnD
I have to try and plan what I am wearing for the memorials soon too, try it all on to make sure it all still fits

This year I set a reading goal of 45 books.
Trying to stay at about a book a week when not too busy.
Finished book 9 this weekend because I assume I won't have much reading time this upcoming week
Though one of the two audiobooks I use while at work only has a bit left, so might finish that one off this week if I am not training someone.
Currently have a good rotation so I can read anytime I want. 2 audiobooks, 1 ebook, 2 physical books
Used to only have the one audiobook through audible, but now my spotify gives out 15 hours a month as part of premium so naturally now I ensure to use each of those hours a month.
But is works out nicely because now it mimics what I do with the physicals books, where I will be slowly making my way through a thick beast of a book while having a shorter one on hand too, in case I don't have the time for a bigger reading session.
Oh, also, I totally count audiobooks as "reading"
If I am devoting hours to listening to a story, it's the same as using those hours reading a story, as I am still engaging with the story
I know it's not quite the same, but I also still do read ebooks and physicals books all the time too
Still enjoy the stories, most of the time haha
Two of my current books are a bit of work. 1 because its too bogged down with details and 1 because I just don't find it as good as I thought it would be

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by LikkleMel » 01 Mar 2024, 01:43

What book are you currently reading?
~Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame
Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain~


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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 03 Mar 2024, 06:41

Right now the five I have are below and I'll add emojis for my current thoughts on them!

:)  Patron Saint of Liars - Ann Patchett
:| Wizard: Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, Biography of a Genius - Marc J Seifer
:) The Last Man on the Moon: Astronaut Eugene Cernan and America's Race in Space - Eugene Cernan, Donald Davis
:haha: Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
Image Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 17 Mar 2024, 21:38

Back from my Florida trip to send off my uncle.
Parts of it were as awful as expected, cause my family is a lot
Parts of it were nice/i did process some more emotion about the ordeal
Glad I went, despite having been ill for most of it
Now to see if the rest of the family actually stays in touch or if they drift apart again until the next one passes

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by PharaohAtem » 21 Mar 2024, 02:15

I'm sorry for your loss.

*gives hug*


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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 26 Mar 2024, 00:26

thanks atem < 3

Been busy busy busy since last post in here
18th - had a fosse jazz dance class, was fun
19th - had chorus practice, was a bit less fun since i got there late and ended up awkwardly in the back
20th - chores!
21st - was supposed to play games with friends but one of them lost his bearded dragon so instead i caught up on more house chores
22nd - took momo to vet for potential uti, not a uti just her medicine making her go like crazy. then went to celebrate my birthday early at dave and busters where i drank and played games with friends! was fun!
23rd - saw local orchestra play distant worlds, the FF concert! was also very fun!
24th - had dnd, we had last taken out a mummy had to find his heart to really end it. we did and leveled up!
25th - today! had a modern dance class, had a ton of fun! its one of my favorite styles but this one was focus on a method that still uses a good amount of ballet, so i struggled a bit at some points but still enjoyed myself

and that catches us up!
still quite busy next few days but all good and fun, mostly
feels good and less stressed in general

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 26 Mar 2024, 00:26

oh and i turn 35 thats a thing thats happening

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 19 Apr 2024, 01:37

still been busy busy busy
lets do a catch up since last post

3/26 chorus practice
3/27 turned 35, celebrated by seeing dentist for yearly cleaning lol
3/28 went to jazz night to see friends
3/29 dinner with old friend as post bday celebration of sorts
3/30 caught up on household stuff, had migraine
3/31 dnd
4/1 relaxed for once!
4/2 chorus practice
4/3 more relax!
4/4 chorus
4/5 work super stressed me out
4/6 relax!
4/7 dnd
4/8 tycho groomer
4/9 chorus
4/10 strike sanction vote, union is about to go into new contract negotiations
4/11 chorus
4/12 saw dad for a late bday dinner, it was okay, he was..okay :|
4/13 was supposed to go to my partners familys event, was tooooooo sick, stayed home and died a bnit
4/14 stress cleaned house
4/15 yard people finally came and did spring cleanup for me! except it kept me awake and i was still a bit sick. had to shuttle my ma around a bit in the afternoon and then had a modern dance class. it wore me out but was fun
4/16 chorus
4/17 relaxed a bit
4/18 is today! had chorus, last official practice cause next week is tech rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and then two shows. so chorus is almost over for the year. its going okay, but a few of the soloist should maybe not be ones. i also am a bit peeved cause the song i wanted to try for the director is too old and prude and insisted he would only let males sing it. so i didnt go for any this time
oh well
also gonna start practicing for auditions for something rotten. think it could be fun to be part of that show

oh and i guess work has been a bit of a crazy shit show
got a few big launches coming up
and our union contract is negotiating now
current contract ends may 5th
so hopefully they negotiate well and no strike
cause i like getting a paycheck
but i also dont know if enough of the younger crowd care enough to want to strike if we're given shit as an offer
same goes for the oldest who just care about their pensions because they plan to retire as soon as they get a new contract signing bonus :roll:
we shall see

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by PharaohAtem » 19 Apr 2024, 02:15

We haven't talked in a while, works been crazy, short abd everything in-between like yours I see. Going ti the dentist on your birthday happy late birthday. It's funny I was eating something one of my teeth hurts I hope I don't have a cavity.


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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 19 Apr 2024, 22:09

thanks atem!
and yeah, sounds like you have been busy too
i hope you dont have a cavity, and sorry to hear your tooth hurt

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by PharaohAtem » 20 Apr 2024, 02:02

Np I'll poke you more.

It doesnt hurt the last two days. Maybe its okay, I have sensitive gums and teeth maybe I had food in between them.


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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 24 Apr 2024, 02:22

That can happen!
I had to have a tooth removed because my body was trying to eat it (root resorption, fun!)
Now I have an implant there and because of it's shape I am always getting food stuck between it and another tooth and its always bothering me
Need to keep floss on hand at all times or something


been busy busy like always
had tech rehearsal today for chorus, and the shows are this friday and saturday
so mostly just been practicing last minute

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by Tuffin » 09 May 2024, 01:29

Shows were a lot of fun!
So much fun, I would maybe join them again next year

Work went well
New contract for union went okay
Did not strike
Getting a 4% raise effective this week
Still loathe x ray
Still annoyed by some program managers
Hoping the CST_100 launch goes well soon....some of my stuff is in there
To clarify, we do ECLSS stuff for the vehicle. So, not the rocket valve issue that delayed it currently. :dance:

Momo/Mocha saw the vet for another check on her oral diabetes meds and they are no longer working for her
Switched to insulin now
I have a needle phobia, so it's going well enough
Luckily, I am normally fine if I know needle ain't going near me. I have helped at places like blood draw units before without issue.
But still, I did not hold the needles then
Now I am and its not the worst but not the best
Momo doesn't care one lick
She purrs through it all/doesnt seem to notice

Thinking about auditioning for Something Rotten next week
Fun musical about the "first musical" that is a competition between the main dude and his rival Shakespeare
Pretty hilarious show, imo
But unsure if I have the time for rehearsals

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Blast Off [Tuffin]

Post by PharaohAtem » 09 May 2024, 03:20

Yeah I couldn't prick myself and I don't mind needles though I guess I look at them then look away.

Some animals dint mind and some just hate just like humans.


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