The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 01 Jun 2023, 14:41

Better day today.

Woke up around half 6, Mum sent me back to bed so I got up properly about an hour later, came down and had a protein shake and checked the emails and stuff (not a penny from the Lottery!) is it just me or does work have the communication skills of a duck?! If it wasn't for the fact I can only do short hours and also the age/disability issues I would've quit in April! I'm still waiting for an email off Phil Perkins to see if Laura's been in touch about staff attending CQC inspections with me, fortunately she's coming tomorrow so she might tell me all about it.

After breakfast I was offered a shower, I just couldn't be bothered so I went up and got dressed, attempted to clean my teeth, couldn't squeeze the toothpaste out so I took it downstairs and did it.

And then Mum managed to turn the belt around on my jeans.

At 8.45 we set off for my course, via Law Bros petrol station, arived around 9.10, went in and had a coffee, watched some YouTube and then did some project work including planning the project, camera angles and stuff, and wrote a storyboard of what will happen.

During break, I had an email from the Hospital, as a follow on from the complete waste of time that was the appointment yesterday morning, we have an appointment at 13.30 on Monday.

I wouldn't mind but I had to faff about changing the time for the support staff yesterday, they originally booked it for 12.00 but I knew we wouldn't be back, so I changed it to 13.00 and even that was pushing it a bit.

Had another coffee, and rang Home to leave a message about the email.

After the session, we came back here and had lunch, and I've just come off an MS Teams meeting with my Psychologist.

Gladiators at the Arena tomorrow! Looking forward to that, should be a laugh, watching, not competing obviously.

Nottingham comic con next Sunday, looking forward to that.

Just got to try with Laura tomorrow to get that printer to work, damn you Amazon and your annoyingly annoying Foreign call centre drones!

Mock grading next Saturday.

14.15 at Forge Valley.

I need to remember to take the sparring stuff, as semi free sparring's part of the grading syllabus from blue stripe and above, obviously Dad's not happy about that but I wanna get a blue belt on the 28th.

Right, that's it for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Jun 2023, 16:32

Yesterday morning I was up around 7, made a protein shake, and then went back to bed, got up properly just as Laura was arriving around half 9, annoyingly the Gladiators tickets got cancelled, some fool sold more tickets than there were seats available at the Arena! I wouldn't mind but after an annoying week I was looking forward to that!

I also discovered a problem with the pressure dropping on the Boiler in the Kitchen, so I'm on the blower to the Housing repairs team to report it, they said someone would come between now and 18.00, I wouldn't mind but they say that every time and it's not that long since the last time they fixed the damn Boiler! And even then the guy had to go away for a part and came back about a week and half later.

Fortunately the guy arrived just before 15.00.

However, I've told Mum that after 16 years and what will be 10 months to the day next Thursday, I officially give up on this Housing company! IMO it went to crap in 2011 when they disbanded the Cluster project due to lack of funding! She says she'll speak to the Council/Social services about me moving elsewhere, in fact I sent an email to the social worker, but typically he's on annual leave till the week commencing the 12th! Do these government sponsored jobsworths ever do any actual work or what?! Apparently not! I wouldn't mind but part of my Council tax pays some of these clowns' wages.

Also, by the time the Boiler repair guy had been and gone, it was too late to go out, and I didn't have the funds to pop across to t'Tesco for a Euromillions ticket for the £109 Million (which apparently someone in the UK's won, it weren't me, I didn't even buy a ticket! Smh) so I just played Xbox and got a ton of achievements on Street Fighter 6, including getting my ass kicked in an online "Battle Hub" match (still got the achievement for playing though)

Had a sandwich for tea, after Bacon Noodles and Chicken fingers for lunch.

And watched classic TOTP on BBC 4 and then Corrie.

Back on Xbox after, was in bed by 22.30.

This morning I was up around 7.30, as I'd got a message from Mr S yesterday that there was an early extra training session on the Bole Hills Park in Crookes at 9.30.

I informed Laura yesterday, apologised for the short notice but could Jamal come for 11 instead of the usual half 9? Apparently he didn't get the message (damn you hot, gorgeous woman from Essex with a baby brain!) in the end he fixed my Printer, with Laura's remote help, and it now works.

I worked really hard in the outdoor class, after an hour's work I was knackered!

We arrived back around 10.40, Jamal said he'd arrived an hour ago (obviously) and as mentioned, fixed the Printer issues (good lad)

After a coffee, we I gathered up some old games to try and sell, and we set off for Town, went in Sarni's and bought some lunch, cheese sandwich and crisps, and a coffee, used the upstairs Loo, and then went in CEX, one of the games I tried to flog had just the box and no disc! D'oh! I found a ton of other games when we got back that I'll try and sell tomorrow, I need the money for Em-Con in Nottingham next Sunday.

Also regarding that, I've sent an email to the Motorpoint Arena in Nottingham about support worker/carer access, they wanted evidence of my disability as they've obviously never met me (it's about 14 years since I went to a WWE show there in 2009), I sent a scan of my Bus Pass, which is still in date, but the most recent PIP letter I could find expired in April! Smh.

I've asked Mum if there's a more recent letter available.

In other news, I've done some "Acapella" (no backing music) rehearsals for the Meat Loaf project at FlyCheese, recorded them on the Webcam, put them into Shotcut and exported as YouTube ready MP4s (smaller file sizes)

I'll take the videos on a memory card next week.

Right, that's it for now, tomorrow's another day.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 04 Jun 2023, 15:03

I woke up and got up around 7.30, came down and had a protein shake, and checked the emails, not a penny from the Lottery, or any other important emails.

So I got dressed, was offered a shower but I said I'd have a bath at the Flat, so we set off, arrived shortly after, had some breakfast and then a quick bath, got dressed again and cleaned my teeth, and then Dad left.

9.30, Jamal arrived, I played some Xbox, including creating a new masked Luchador on WWE 2K23, kind of an English version of Rey Mysterio, had him win the WWE Light Heavyweight title against X Pac on NXT 2.0.

Then we set off for Town, armed with a ton of games and DVDs to sell at CEX.

Went to the cash machine, still not much in the pot since I checked yesterday, so I went in CEX, and got about £45 for a ton of games and a couple of DVDs, for some reason they wouldn't take the Let's Sing Queen game? Meh, I'll try GAME this week, it'd be worth more with the mic apparently.

Following all that, I tried to get some lunch, Sarni's doesn't open on a Sunday, and Gregg's had no bread! (You what? Not much of a sandwich shop then is it?) so we got on a Tram to come back Home, got off and walked down from Netherthorpe Road.

Arrived back, Jamal made a sandwich and a coffee, and I did some PC work.

Did some more Xbox, and got 2 achievements on that new Firegirl DX game I bought last week, however, the achievements popped but for some reason the points didn't get added till ages after?

Oh well, I'm still winning so far this month on what will eventually be 300 points.

While I was waiting for Dad, I rang Laura to discuss the problem of the accessibility team at the Motorpoint Arena in Nottingham wanting "proof" of my disability to get a free support worker ticket for Em-Con next Sunday (you what?), however the most recent document I've got a copy of myself is dated last April, which has of course just expired, so they said it was invalid! I've asked Mum if we have this year's PIP letter, and she's going to have a look.

TKD's early again in a bit, 19.00 because of the last day of half term, combined junior advanced and seniors.

I did an extra session on the Bole Hills yesterday morning.

I don't think there'll be many in tonight though in the senior section, last Wednesday there was only 5 of us, 6 if you include Mr S.

Mock grading on Saturday, I paid for that last week.

Booked day off from the support workers, I informed Laura a month ago and we're using the 5 hour shift the next day to attend Em-Con, I'm still going to that even if I end up having to pay £15 for the support guy's ticket! I can't not go as the event and train tickets are bought and paid for.

Right, I'm off to work on the GDQuest thingy.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Jun 2023, 11:10

Well guess what? As of just now, I have a job interview at Hollister Co in Meadowhall at 15.00 tomorrow afternoon! Bring it on! It's a zero hour contract, however due to having the support workers I can only work a few hours, hopefully that won't be a major issue.

I have smart clothes in the Wardrobe to wear, I don't think it's a collar and tie affair, it's only a clothes shop that sells jeans and joggers and casual stuff.

Busy next week, I originally booked a meeting with the manager from the Housing till fill in a Council House priority form, but something's come up that clashes with the 11 AM appointment with her so I've had to reschedule.

It just annoys me that the Housing has the communication skills of a duck and don't respond to messages unless they want summat.

Work are like that as well, I had to email the boss this morning to say I may have to quit if I get this job I'm interviewing for tomorrow, he's got a meeting with Laura tomorrow to discuss the future of the job, I've told him to keep that going in case this interview goes south, which might happen due to the limited hours I can work, and NO weekends.

We'll see what happens, I just did what I always do and tried to make like Mystic Meg and predict the future!

So I've just had an email from the Applause Store, as an "apology" for missing the Gladiators taping at the Arena last Friday, they've sent me tickets for the 13.00 show this Wednesday, as much as I'd love to attend, I predict the same thing will happen again as happened last week, the show will be oversubscribed and we'll end up not going anyway.

I know Laura will cry about having to extend the shift on Wednesday anyway with Mercy, due to the 2 days notice, but that's not directly my fault, the email came in like, 10 minutes ago.... This Applause Store company appears to be ridiculously incompetent! I wouldn't mind but I booked the replacement tickets for Thursday, and even that would've been a pain as I'd have to leave FlyCheese early to get to the Arena before 13.00.

I'm sure these people do it on purpose to annoy me! I wouldn't mind but I was in a good mood this morning as I've got a job interview in Meadowhall tomorrow afternoon.

*goes to fetch mobile to have a chat with Laura*

I officially give up!

In better news, I've finally completed the GDQuest course! Check me out! I'm a programmer!

I am in the process of trying to get out of the shift with Mercy on Wednesday, she can't stay till after 20.00 due to having a young child.

I know they'll moan about the short notice but that isn't directly my fault.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Jun 2023, 17:07

So after the morning from hell, not entirely of my own doing, I attended the job interview at Hollister Co in Meadowhall this afternoon, arrived at 14.30, as I'd booked a Taxi, the interview didn't start till nearly 15.20, which didn't inspire my confidence, it was also a group interview, not 1 to 1, normally I hate group based interviews but that wasn't so bad, I think I handled it pretty well.

The reason I had to book a Taxi was because the morning support guy told me the Trams aren't running on West St due to an "incident" in Town, only from the Cathedral, so I'd have still had to somehow get to Town and then a Tram to Meadowhall, so it was quicker to get a Taxi all the way.

We were asked various questions, like availability, level of experience, and introuduced ourselves, and we were also asked, if we were an animal, what would we be? I of course said a Bat, as I'm a Batman fan and more than 1 person's told me before that I look good in black lol.

Regarding the availability, I said I can do all day on a Monday, Wednesday mornings, and alternaie Saturdays, I'm guessing that won't be enough and it'll be a hard no but we'll see.

I also asked what the hourly rate was, and she said that would be discussed with the hiring boss if I get an offer.

She said she'd be in touch with everyone by tomorrow tea time.

Although I don't mind if it's a no.

I've told Phil Perkins to keep my job open in case it is, even if I do get the job I'll still keep that one on as well, 2 salaries lol, well not really, at the moment I do NO work on the Expert job and haven't since the 21st of March.

Right, tea's up imminently so I'm off.

Only other thing is, apparently Dad's car has a LOT wrong with it so it could be off the road most of this week, he says he'll let me know.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 07 Jun 2023, 19:57

So I was up around 7.30, went to make a protein shake, and then later, breakfast, and put my phone on charge ready for this afternoon’s Gladiators show.

At 9.30 some bloke rang me on the mobile from the financial training company that rang yesterday, I told him I wasn’t interested when he rang yesterday, but he insisted on ringing me back today at 9.30, I simply disconnected the call, and if he rings back I’ll tear strips off him.

And then I got a message from Phil Perkins at work, he’s had a chat with Laura about the future of my job, I await further details from Laura herself.

And then I had to ring A1 Taxis to book to go to the Arena this afternoon at 12, that turned up about 5 past, but we still got there in plenty of time.

Armed with the printouts, which we had to convert into Arena event tickets via the scanny code thingy, why they don’t tell you that when they send the flippin’ ticket emails I’ll never know!

Anyway we got in, went and sat down, and before the show I went to the food desk and bought a bottle of Diet Coke.

Sat back down, and took a load of photos on my phone, which I need to upload, but my phone died about half way through the show, well I had to turn it off to use the last bit of juice to book a Taxi back after.

Great show, loads of audience interaction, I can’t go into detail about who won or anything, as they said not to spoil it for when it’s on the telly.

At the second break, I went and bought another Coke and a slice of Pepperoni Pizza.

At this point, I could kind of see my key in my manbag, but of course that’s now gone missing! I officially give up.

I still haven’t had a message or a call regarding that interview yesterday either.

I might have to give them a call tomorrow.

No TKD tonight due to Dad not having his car.

I’ve informed sir that I might not even be in this weekend for the mock, and the proper lesson on Sunday, it’s very fortunate that I filmed myself doing a pattern and 2 step sparring on the Ponderosa last week and sent it to Mr S on WhatsApp, hopefully he’ll like it and let me grade on the 28th.

I might not even get to FlyCheese tomorrow which is annoying, I took special effort to do “rehearsals” on the Webcam for the Meat Loaf project last week.

And have put the footage on the SD memory card to take with me.

And finally, regarding the missing key issue, I’ve had to email Michelle Smith, and Paul Creaser, to report it, but typically, Creaser’s on annual leave till the week commencing the 19th! That man is a twat!

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Jun 2023, 16:30

Annoying morning again.

I was up between 7 and half past expecting to be able to go to FlyCheese in another Taxi, so much for that! After a protein shake, and then a shower and a shave, I came down for breakfast, had an argument with Mum and Dad and simply went back to bed in the mood from hell.

I woke up about an hour later, went for a wee, and got dressed and came back down and did some PC work, including messaging Wallace that I definitely wouldn't be in class this morning, and possibly not next week either pending what happens with Dad's car, I realise social services will cry about the funding if I'm off long term but frankly they can swivel, we get no help from official sources with them anyway cos the current social worker's a numpty, I sent him a longish email last week on a personal matter, and he's on annual leave till next week! Typical.

I also rang the company up where I had the interview on Tuesday, she said if I don't hear back by close of play tomorrow, I'll have been unsuccessful, and to be honest I don't hold much hope due to the limited availability issue, although I did say I could do all day on a Monday, Wednesday mornings and alternate Saturdays.

I await details off Laura about the meeting she had on Tuesday with Phil Perkins from my current job about the future of that.

I know Dad doesn't want me to work in general, but I ain't spent the last nearly 30 years in retail and other stuff to not have anything to show for it.

I just can't help that due to personal circumstances, I can only work short hours, but in the retail trade they want everyone to work like, 1000 hours a week, and it's not physically possible even if I wasn't disabled and/or mildly Autistic.

I also probably won't get to the TKD mock grading on Saturday, fortunately I sent in recordings of my pattern and 2 step sparring last week so that's not a major issue.

Right I'm off for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Jun 2023, 18:55

Yay! There IS a God! Dad's got himself a hire car so we can go back tomorrow morning, and I'll get to the mock on Saturday.

And I'm still going to Nottingham on Sunday.

Also, I've had an email from Sheffield College, they're moving the game design course from Peaks to Hillsborough, which would be slightly easier to get to, however, that bloke I spoke to last year when I tried to sign up for the course up at Peaks, said at 46 I was too old for the course anyway! You what? Plus with possible changes coming up in my working life, I'm too busy to commit to full time College anyway.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 09 Jun 2023, 20:24

Busy day today with various Xbox gaming and other stuff.

I got up around 8, had a protein shake and got dressed, and then we set off back to the Flat, obviously Kieran was already there when we arrived just after 9 due to the key issue (I reported that like 2 days ago to the Housing, I officially give up on this damn company)

When we got in, I had some breakfast, tablets and a coffee, and then loaded up the Xbox to try and get some points, and I managed a few.

As of about 2 and half hours ago I was on about 1120 points so far this month and it's only the 9th... More to come.

I was on 390 this morning and even then I was winning the month, my lead's got even bigger now., with some more points to come.

AFter lunch, we walked up to the Post Office and back with the Parcel I sold on eBay on Wednesday, that went in the 3 o'clock post no problem, the guy should have it by Monday if not tomorrow.

And for once, the item won't get lost in transit (I hope, I know Evri are terrible but even Royal Mail aren't immune to stuff going walkies)

Amazon delivery arrived late afternoon, another Godot programming book, I'll do some work on that this weekend.

Big day out in Nottingham planned on Sunday for Em-Con, hopefully nothing goes wrong, Jamal's a nice enough lad but he's got the attention span of a 2 year old even though he's 19 and it wouldn't be the first time stuff's gone tits up on his watch... Although Mum says I shouldn't be so quick to blame others when stuff does go wrong!

Phone's on charge in the Kitchen, and we've found the 2 cameras to take on Sunday, not that they were lost to begin with, apart from that I've been looking for them all week and they were right there in the cupboard next to the telly.

Plenty of money in my wallet as well, although most of the traders and that are card only, I may have to ask Dad if I can temporarily use the main card on the proviso I don't spend much.

Not going to the TKD thing tomorrow either, seeing as I sent the videos last week.

Right, I'm off for a drink.

I also rang Hollister Co up again, they'd not been in touch by tea time as promised, I don't want to appear desperate, but companies shouldn't write cheques they have no intention of cashing, I mean make promises they don't keep, she said the lady who did the group interview's off till Monday! I officially give up! Stop the world I wanna gerroff!

I also spoke to Phil Perkins about my existing job, he says to speak to Laura next week, hopefully she's scheduled to come down, and that's another thing, as much as I love her, she says every month that she'll send the rota by close of play on a Friday, she never sends it till late at night, so it's in when I check first thing Saturday morning! Don't just say stuff to get me off the flippin' line!

And don't keep going on annual leave when there's stuff that wants sorting.

Like I had to speak to Paul Hubbard, the senior boss, to arrange for Jamal to come to the Flat for 9.30 on Sunday, to go to the Train station to meet the Train at 10.45, he says he's sorted it as I sent a longish email yesterday to that effect, but every time, I have to ring up because they don't respond to the bloody silly emails.

Right, I'm off before I explode with rage.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 10 Jun 2023, 16:06

Mixed day today.

I woke up around 6.45, went for a wee, and did PC work till around half 7, and then crawled back in bed till nearly 2 hours later.

Rang Home to say I was up, and then made a protein shake, and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here, armed with the programming book that came from Amazon yesterday.

I'd print out the PDFs at Home but I have a 50 page limit on my HP account per month, and the document weighs in at 58 pages.

In better news, I got a good email from the Lottery, I won £3 on last night's Euromillions draw, some extra 0s on the end would've been nice but it's actual money!

And I got the email I've been waiting for off Laura with the rest of June's rota up to and including the first weekend in July.

Although I did tell her that pending what Mr S says about the videos I sent last week, tomorrow night, I may have to change the shift on the 28th slightly.

I'll give her an email as soon as I know.

Unfortunately I didn't go to the mock grading, which is disappointing but I doubt my hearing aids would've survived wearing the head guard from the sparring kit, and that's essential from blue stripe.

We'll see, I did the pattern (Yul Gok) and 2 step sparring (Ibo Matsoki) in the videos I sent last week, I await sir's verdict.

Been trying to work on the book as mentioned, I'll print some more out next week.

Right, I'm a bit tired so I might pop back to bed for a bit, longish day tomorrow at Em-Con, looking forward to it though, loads of cool celebrity guests.

I've ordered 2 games this afternoon, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons and Crime Boss: Rockay City, bring on the achievements.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Jun 2023, 08:49

So I was up around 7.30 after going to bed just after 11 last night following a load of faffery trying (and failing) to get 2 SD cards to work in my camera! Fortunately I’d got a fully charged phone with a good camera and was good to take a load of photos and videos.

I made a protein shake, and later, had some breakfast, tablets and a coffee.

I’d booked a Taxi to the Station last night with City for 10 AM, that turned up around 5 past, Jamal and I went to the Station, armed with all the tickets, such as Train and event tickets, and my Railcard, and some money (cash) and on my ready cash card as we checked the balance last night.

Got the Train to Nottingham no problems, arrived around half 11, tried to find the Tram to the venue, no joy so I found a Taxi rank near the Station, and we got there.

Signed in, and went in the disabled loo to get changed (Shazam costume), and walked round for a while in the Hall, took us a bit to find the main guest I wanted to meet, Hugo Myatt from Knightmare, but I did indeed meet and pay £20 for a selfie with him, he’s a right nice bloke as well, very friendly, we were chatting about how back in the day I wanted to go on Knightmare but I was unpopular at school so would’ve struggled to come up with a team, plus if we had, they’d have got me “killed” in level 1 (on purpose)

Oh well, I achieved the main reason for going, meeting Will Mellor would’ve been nice but we couldn’t find him.

I took a ton of photos and videos (including a hilarious video of a dancing Stormtrooper) today as well, all of which are on my Google Photos account.

Around 13.30, after we’d been there about an hour and half, there was some kind of fire alarm (not sure if it was real or a drill, although I could smell summat burning so it was probably real) so I decided we’d get off, I tried to book a Taxi back to the Station, no availability on Uber, even though the fare would’ve been a surprisingly cheap £4.90, and the local firm had no availability either, well not till about 10 minutes later when the Taxi bloke rang and said he was 2 minutes away.

A few minutes later, we were on our way to the Station, other than that, no major problems apart from that I thought I’d lost my wallet! Turns out it was in a white shopping bag we were carrying! D’oh! Jamal found it, that lad does have his uses.

Cheeseburger for lunch, and a coke and chips.

On my Fitbit, it said I’d done over 8200 steps by the time we eventually got back, and nearly 3 and half miles.

I had to come back from Sheffield Station in a Taxi, I know not to use Uber on a Sunday due to the double fares issue, but fortunately there’s usually Taxis in the rank and we got one of those.

When we got back, I made a coffee, and uploaded all my photos and videos while connected to WiFi.

Eventually Jamal left, and I rang Home to get Dad to come for me, got back here an hour ago.

Now I’m doing this and having a sandwich, and will still go to TKD in a bit, although I’m sure Mum will object, so I might not.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Jun 2023, 09:40

Well I was in class last night, Mum went back to bed so Dad just took me.

Not many in though for the senior class, probably with it being so warm, as I'd been out all day I would normally skip class but it's grading season so I can't really miss any.

It's disappointing I'm not competing in Grantham on Saturday, but the entries closed a fortnight last Friday ago, and we've no way to get there.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 13 Jun 2023, 20:20

Busy day today.

I was up around 7.40, came down, still wearing boxers and a t shirt, and we set off for the Flat around 8 as Dad wanted to miss the school traffic, so much for that! Neither of us had got a key to the Flat, and we don't know the code for the keysafe, so we had to come back for the key! However, we made it back in time for the support worker, it said on the sheet she was due at 9, got to about 10 past, no sign so I'm on the phone to Laura, turns out the support worker wasn't due till half 9! Can't get the staff! As much as I love Laura it's not the first time she's messed the rota up!

Anyway, when she arrived, I tried to set the printer up to print out some documents for a meeting with the manager from SYHA, Michelle Smith, she turned up just before 10, to help me fill in a form to try and get medical priority on the Council Housing list, whether it'll work I don't know... We filled all the form in, 5 pages, and she took it and scanned it and sent it to the appropriate people, it's in their Court now.

After she'd been and gone, I did some Xbox gaming, and then got a few bits together to try and sell at CEX, and we set off to Town on the Tram.

Arrived in Town, checked the balance on my card in the ATM, as I spent probably a bit more than I should've on Sunday, there wasn't much left, fortunately I get paid from the benefits some time this week, and I should, but probably won't, get "paid" from work towards the end of next week despite the fact I've done no actual work since towards the end of March, 3 months to the day next Tuesday ago.

And then we went in CEX, armed with a load of games and hardware, most of which they took after testing the hardware such as an old camera, a Guitar Hero mic for Xbox, and a Gameware Xbox headset, and an old wireless Xbox controller, they wouldn't take that one due to stick drift (see my topic in the gaming section)

Went for a drink while they did the testing.

After all that, we went to the Tram stop at Castle Square, I bought a TV Choice and then just as I turned round there was a Middlewood bound Tram coming up, good timing then!

On the way back, I called in Tesco to use the loo, and then we walked back to the Flat.

Rang Home when we got back to say we were back, and then the Hospital rang about an appointment tomorrow morning to have my ears micro suctioned (sounds painful but it's not actually) at 9 AM, I had to ring Mum on the mobile to check if that was convenient, it was so I'm back on to the Hospital to confirm, and then a bit after they sent me an email to confirm.

And then I tried to do a project, Meat Loaf project rehearsal for FlyCheese, didn't work in Power Director, so I went "live" on YouTube, and set the video to "unlisted" and sent a link to my tutor, I tested the video first to make sure the audio worked and it did.

Thing is, I know not to make videos I'm personally in public, due to not very nice comments posted on my stuff last year.

Then I made a protein shake.

The support lady left at 17.30, about half an hour later, Dad brought me back home.

We've just had tea and now I'm doing this.

Will hit the sack soon, as mentioned I have that early Hospital appointment.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 15 Jun 2023, 06:35

So I was apparently rejected for that Hollister Co job I interviewed for last week! I wouldn't mind but I told her I could do all day on a Monday, Wednesday mornings and alternate Saturdays and she said it was perfectly fine! I suspect, but can't prove, it's disability related, Equality Act my arse! The whole thing wants ripping up and rewriting IMO, in its current form it's unenforceable.

In better news, I might be doing extra training in TKD at tea time, with the grading coming up a fortnight yesterday I could do with the extra practice, even if it does cost me a tenner.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 18 Jun 2023, 09:41

Sunday morning from hell.

Had to book a Taxi back to the Flat due to problems with Dad's car, the Taxi never turned up so we've had to cancel the shift, I know it was only 3 hours but that's beside the fucking point! I'm now gonna get it in t' neck from social flamin' services for cancelling the shift at like, half an hour's notice for reasons beyond my control.

I've also had to inform Laura that due to the same circumstances beyond my control, I'm probably gonna have to cancel ALL the shifts till further notice, social services will cry about the short notice but frankly they can go fuck themselves, we get NO help from official sources anyway and the currently assigned worker's a moron, I came to that conclusion when we had the "review" 3 months last Tuesday ago when he wanted me to cut all ties with Mum and Dad and live in the Flat "with support"! Are you avin' a laugh? They've no staff for a start, there's 3 people running a 31 hour a week service for me, and one of them's on annual leave till the week after next.

I know it's the nature of the care sector that nobody wants to work LONG hours for PENNIES more than minimum wage, and they're so desperate for staff they'll employ Fred or Joanne Bloggs from the job centre or anyone who can pass a basic DBS disclosure, especially if they're over 21 and have a car with Business insurance to use it in a professional capacity but come on, as a result of this, guys like me are suffering, and because of what's happened this morning I've had a blazing argument with Mum and Dad, and would be exiled back to the Flat anyway if it was physically possible to get there!

To this effect, I've emailed the social worker requesting to move into full time care effective immediately, despite only being 47, preferably this end of Town, I am NOT living in some doss house up Gleadless or summat! However, I know for a fact they won't do anything so I'm stuck living with Mum and Dad till further notice.

I hate my life!

I can't even go to TKD tonight to work off my frustration on the punch pads, Sir won't let me go without Dad, and he has no car so we'd have to faff about with some ass Taxi firm that don't turn up.

Stop the world I wanna gerroff!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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