Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 04:35

Ash's Collectorium
Basic Info Dump!
Name: Ash

Age: 20

Location: Derbyshire, England

Hobbies: 3D Printing, Reading/Collecting Books (Manga and Comics too) and Woodworking 
Interests: Reading as much literary material as I can before I die, attempting to write my own book, playing video games from time to time (though not as much as I used to) and talking to other people whom I've got something in common with

Occupation: I pack boxes, it doesn't get any more run of the mill than that does it?   :)

Favourite Things: Overlord certainly reigns supreme in my anime favourites, while Light Novel favourites is closer to So I'm a Spider, So What or The Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime.

In the Manga area, Berserk certainly holds the firm flame of favouritism (at least up to what I've read so far), but Ancient Magus Bride's adaption to Manga is close.

TV Shows are kind of all over, starting from Stargate SG-1 to anything like Dexter. I don't really have a favourite per say, but those that I do enjoy the most are detailed on my profile, so I don't want to repeat.

If I was to choose a favourite movie out of my list, I'd be Howl's Moving Castle. I watched it as a kid and enjoy it immensely to this day.

Games (when I have a chance to play them) tend to sit in one of two camps: What I like now and What I've always liked. The Fable Series on Xbox tend to remain my favourite through the ages while Jurassic World Evolution 2 has been sitting as a my most enjoyed game of this year since it came out on PC. 
Explanation for this Journal
One, I don't have anything else to do really and two, I like to share when I can so this is my attempt to connect as best I can with the wider community here (beyond my attendance of the Icebreakers this November that is :) ) What I shall be posting here will be anything I collect book, manga, comic or merch-wise alongside just generic life updates, because I don't mind sharing and I hope no one minds it here either. 

In the meantime, I offer this sacrifice to the Journal Gods: My Bookshelves!

Here we are. If you got to the bottom, here!

*hands a cookie*

You deserve it. I don't really know if a post this long, especially a first post, is wise (let alone allowed) but I thought if anyone wanted a clear view of my collection then this is the best I can do. Hopefully this is fine and people enjoyed it. I have also realised I need to reorganise my bookcases because they are no longer organised. There was a time when I had less, when I could easily fit stuff in their own area instead of smushing them next to others but now I think I'll have to start merging the genres on my shelves. 

Anyway, these will probably be the only pictures for a while but I hope people enjoy them. I'm always open to talking, though I'd like to keep it limited when it comes to the journal, so if a discussion starts getting long in here, I'll likely take it to private messages to preserve the page count if it's between me and someone else. Beyond that, I'm happy for a little chit chat here and there, but otherwise, this is the Collectorium and so there was no better place to start but at the beginning of my collection. Thanks for reading and I hope I wasn't too rambly for you all. I always seem to ramble on...but I'm sure that'll stop one day :)

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by melanch0lic » 14 Nov 2021, 04:39

watching this thread in anticipation as you seem kinda based! don't let me down OP, i believe in you~ :nekothink: - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 04:48

You know, I have no idea but I'm responding anyway to not disappoint.

Hi, hi @melanch0lic. Have another cookie.

*hands cookie.*

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by melanch0lic » 14 Nov 2021, 04:57

TheLogicalAsh wrote:
14 Nov 2021, 04:48
You know, I have no idea but I'm responding anyway to not disappoint.

Hi, hi @melanch0lic. Have another cookie.

*hands cookie.*

so far you haven't let me down which is very impressive, but i must ask what kinda cookies you are handing to me? can they be white chocolate/macadamia nut please, just like the cookies in Subway plz? i'm not allergic to other flavourings but i can be kinda picky, so there's that D: - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 05:02

melanch0lic wrote:
14 Nov 2021, 04:57
TheLogicalAsh wrote:
14 Nov 2021, 04:48
You know, I have no idea but I'm responding anyway to not disappoint.

Hi, hi @melanch0lic. Have another cookie.

*hands cookie.*

so far you haven't let me down which is very impressive, but i must ask what kinda cookies you are handing to me? can they be white chocolate/macadamia nut please, just like the cookies in Subway plz? i'm not allergic to other flavourings but i can be kinda picky, so there's that D:

I don't see why not, hang on.

*nicks a variety set of cookies from Subway and hands them to you*

I have no doubt they are there, enjoy! :lol:

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by melanch0lic » 14 Nov 2021, 05:43

TheLogicalAsh wrote:
14 Nov 2021, 05:02
I don't see why not, hang on.

*nicks a variety set of cookies from Subway and hands them to you*

I have no doubt they are there, enjoy! :lol:

you're very kind so thank you, you're quickly becoming my favourite novice poster on here if that means anything! you've got my vote in the next election for the Prime Minister position, i mean any candidate who openly offers and/or feeds their people god-tier cookies is the right person to run both this website and the country as a whole :3 this might be the alcohol talking btw, but drunken words = sober thoughts so appreciate my nonsense until i inevitably pass out X3 - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 05:57

Aww, thank you. Even if it is the alcohol talking, your words touch my heart deeply. I may not be a candidate but on behalf of the Collectorium, henceforth all shall have cookies and hugs!


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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by Emotive » 14 Nov 2021, 05:58

Hey, Ash! :^_^: Nice new journal. :dance: How's the day been up until this point?

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 06:02

Hi, hi Mat.

Its a pretty good day all considered. I will have to go to sleep soon to maintain my sleep pattern for work but I'm happy.

And since it has already been decided. Here is your complimentary cookie and hug for visiting me here :)

*hugs then gives a cookie*

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by Emotive » 14 Nov 2021, 08:23

Do you work morning shifts at your work?

I'm one of those people that's rarely, if ever, picky about my food. lol Some things though are waayyy too weird for my taste though, like... well I can't think of them right now actually. lol But there are foods I won't even try though too. *devours cookie then BEARHUGZ* I give a lot of bearhugs though. It's fun reading pepole's reactions when I do. xD Besides, who doesn't want a bearhug? :^_^:

Glad you've had a good day so far too. :^_^: Hopefully it'll set the pace for the rest of the day. :dance:

You've got a monster of a collection btw! How many years have you been collecting? Let's say all of it though, like when did you make the decision to collect? ^_^ I know what you mean by ramble one btw, I almost always end up doing the same. :sweatdrop:

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 10:40

Nah, night shift. So stay awake till the early morning then go to sleep and wake up at 2pm. I usually get eight hours and then have enough time throughout the rest of the day to read. Since it is the night shift, I do less hours for more pay but also higher expectations. Its a little pressuring but since overtime is an option too, I get paid more than enough for my efforts :)

*accepts and enjoys bearhug*

Thank you, Mat. I fear no hugs! :lol:

I would like to get some more sleep today but that is always difficult on weekends. Anyway, I've been collecting for about three years now. Started seriously collecting at the back end of 2018 and only bought new bookcases this year to accommodate it all. One reason I want to go to conventions is to also find other items I may be interested in collecting alongside befriending like-minded people, so it's a win-win :)

Anyway, I'll probably be pretty silent for the rest of the day since it's my turn to prep for DMing D&D this weekend but I'll be sure to get back to you if you reply again @Emotive. Thanks for the hug and chat :)

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by Teeny » 14 Nov 2021, 16:04

Great journal intro and you have an awesome set of books!
I love the Berserk series although I've not stepped into the manga yet, they are on my to read list, I have the first few books! ^^
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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 16:35

I'm glad you like it, Teeny.

I quite enjoyed the anime of Berserk back when it was originally done and the Manga is equally intriguing as a result for me. I hope to finish off my collection for it at some point but the deluxe editions are still being produced, so it'll be a while.

In the meantime, have a hug and a cookie :)

*hugs then gives cookie*

Thanks for visiting :)

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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by Teeny » 14 Nov 2021, 16:59

TheLogicalAsh wrote:
14 Nov 2021, 16:35
I'm glad you like it, Teeny.

I quite enjoyed the anime of Berserk back when it was originally done and the Manga is equally intriguing as a result for me. I hope to finish off my collection for it at some point but the deluxe editions are still being produced, so it'll be a while.

In the meantime, have a hug and a cookie :)

*hugs then gives cookie*

Thanks for visiting :)

Aww thanks so much! *hugs back*
Yeah the original 1997 series was so good! I liked the movie trilogy aswell.
Sadly wasn't a fan of the more recent 2016/2017 animated series, I thought they were just badly animated and presented in general, but think that's why I'm keen to give the manga a go as I know it'll be much better.
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Ash's Collectorium - [TheLogicalAsh]

Post by TheLogicalAsh » 14 Nov 2021, 17:15

Not a problem, Teeny. Everyone deserves a hug and cookie here :)

And yeah, the new animation style of the continuing seasons frankly didn't hold up for me and was one of the reasons I obtained the manga. The pacing is also a little better alongside the art but don't want to say more without spoiling anything. All I can say is the manga is definitely worth it from my perspective.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, and I hope you are having a good day so far :)

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