[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 31 Jul 2020, 02:46

Cool, can't wait to read your descriptions.


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 22:22

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles

Fantasy character classes

Bard - performer, skilled in the use of voice and instruments. Typically lightly armed and armored.

Cleric -a member of the new religious order. Non-bladed weapons but can wear heavy armor. Can only retain 10% of treasure, must tithe rest to the church or charity.

Druid - a member of the old religious order, may carry a scythe or a small silver dagger

Fighter - men-at-arms, well versed in the use of various martial weapons.

Mage - a worker of magic. No armor, may be armed with a staff and dagger. (As learning magic requires a lot of study, unless they're an Elf or Half-Elf, typically not versed in the use of swords)

Ranger - scout, foresters or wardens who are expert bowmen, tend to surprise foes with a shower of arrows. Usually lightly armored, with skill ranks in survival and hunting.

Rogue - burglar, thief, highwayman, con-artist, gamblers - typically skilled in deception, picking locks, detecting and disabling traps, or slight of hand. Tends towards light armor, weapons, and games of chance. Likes concealed weapons and disguises. May have other skills such as salesmanship, massage, juggler or acrobat (performance).

Swashbuckler - Gentleman (or gentlewoman) adventurer of noble or wealthy birth. First child usually inherits, second joins the military, so third-born and lower are the ones who typically take up swashbuckling or the priesthood. (May have an npc servant follower.)

Tinker - traveling craftsman, typically performing small repairs, so has a tool kit suitable for their line of work. Typically lightly armed and armored. (It's hard to bill yourself as a simple tradesman wearing field plate with a massive sword resting on your shoulder.)

Warlock - a swordsman who is a priest of the old gods or a non-human patron that has power they're willing to share. Not in favor among the followers of the new gods. May use clerical-type spells or Warlock if using a non-human patron. Tends to specialize in treasure-hunting or dragon-slaying.

Witch - a wise woman who is a priestess of the old gods or a non-human patron that has power they're willing to share. Not in favor among the followers of the new gods, tries not to advertise the fact. Skill ranks in Herbalism and first aid, some clerical magic. In some places where witches are not respected, especially in areas struck by misfortune while she remains unaffected or even profiting, may quickly find themselves taking the blame for the misfortune. Small cottages with a clear view of any torch-bearing mobs coming from town with an escape route is recommended.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 22:35

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles


There are few safe places for learning magic - several towers have been torched by mobs. Instead, a student will be apprenticed to a mage who teaches a particular school or line of magic (so if you know the line of the mage, you potentially know the sort of spells they can use). One of the first duties of an apprentice will be to copy their teacher's spell book, then use their copy to study.

Ideally, apprentices should have a neat writing hand.

Ideally, a mage will keep their main spell-book safe, bring with them a traveling spell book that is easier to carry and replace if lost and destroyed. (A wise mage will keep two copies of their main spell book in separate locations.)

It is possible to obtain spells from scrolls or other mages, provided it is not one in opposition to your line's school.

The lines are:

Blys; Abjuration (Protection & Shielding spells/ symbol: Earth) (Cannot learn illusion or transformation spells)

Corwin; Conjuration (Summoning spells/ symbol: bell) (Cannot learn evocation or scrying spells)

Jinian; Divination (Scrying spells/ symbol: Water) (cannot learn conjuring spells)

Miranda; Enchantment (Mind manipulation spells/symbol: book) (cannot learn evocation or necromancy spells)

Elric; Evocation (energy projection spells/symbol: wind) (cannot learn enchantment or conjuration spells)

Tyra; Illusion (Sense manipulation spells/ symbol: Moon) (Cannot learn necromancy, evocation, or abjuration spells)

Dorn; Necromancy (Manipulating Life Energy spells /symbol: skull) (Cannot learn illusion or enchantment)

Mavin; Transmutation (transformation spells/ symbol: fire) (Cannot learn shielding or necromancy spells)

Additionally, as long as they do not come from oppositional schools, the mage may know various cantrips.

As a new mage player, you start off with three first-level spells and three cantrips, which can be found listed in the online SRD for 5e. These are not the only spells in your spell book, just the ones you have unlocked so far.

You can cast as many spells as you've unlocked. Once you've cast a spell, you must have a long rest before you can recast it.

At the end of an adventure, players who use magic may be told they've unlocked another spell and at what level.
  • New spells are immediately mastered with a limited rate of failure.
  • That becomes one more spell you can cast at that level.
  • You can decide to double an existing spell instead.
    • Doubled spells can only be unlocked the next time you earn a new spell.

If you receive a spell scroll, as long as it is not in an oppositional school, you can choose to transcribe the spell into your spell books.
  • Transcription will destroy the scroll's use.
  • You cannot use a transcribed spell until you've earned a spell at that level.

Cantrips can be cast several times during the day. If you cast several of them in quick succession, I may rule you need a short rest before you can use them again.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 22:42

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles

Social Standing

Wealth is largely determined by your social standing, although there are a lot of poor baronets and knights out there eager to earn a bit of coin.

High Nobility - Kings, queens, princes, or princesses - (Typically not a playable rank)

Inheritable Nobility - Dukes, Barons - characters will be the adult children of such, must be third-born or lower birth order children, as first born inherit, second born go into the military. Typically they have an allowance so should not go crazy with spending - but there's an armory they can "borrow" from, within reason. They will also have a servant npc. 10 skill ranks bonus, must have at least two social skills.

Baronets - lowest of the inheritable nobility, and often the poorest and most looked down. Players may be a baronets or more likely the adult child of one. 8 skill ranks bonus.

Knights - minor nobility, rank is not inheritable - playable, allowed one squire NPC. No more than two knights per party, preferred to be among the lower ranks. If they have tenant farmers, they may see some money from that. 8 skill ranks bonus.

Merchants - Typically characters are the adult children of such, must be third-born or lower birth order children, as first born inherit, second-born buy their way into the military, so the third are lower are free to adventure within reason. As like duke, they have an allowance (which might be more generous than the what a Duke might provide), but still they should be careful with spending. Additionally, they get a cut-rate on some of the goods their family sells. 8 skill ranks bonus.

Craftsmen - these are the millers, the smiths, the bakers, the weavers, carpenters, bowyers, fletchers, coopers, etc. People who take the raw materials in and turn them into something else. Unless they're out of work, typically it will be the adult children of craftsmen, usually the second-born or lower, who also earn a small wage for the work they do or the things they make. 6 skill ranks bonus.

Peasants - These are the tenant farmers, the wood cutters, the general laborers. All of whom would welcome a chance at some money, as they don't have much. Most have a bow for hunting, a spear, dagger. Maybe some armor (typically gambesons or leathers) from the last time the duke conscripted troops. 4 skill ranks bonus.

Clergy - Must receive leave from a superior to venture out, with the understanding that they will give up all but 10% of their finds to the church. Unless they're druids, usually can scrounge up leather or a breast plate, as well as hammers, maces. 6 skill rank bonuses

Travelers & Players - Nobody's really sure where the Travelers are from, and no Traveler clan member will give an outsider a straight answer. They may be tinkers doing minor repairs, peddlers with small wares, or entertainers doing a side-show of monstrosities, gambling, dancers, questionable medicines and fortune-telling. Then there are the Players, actors who show up with saw horses and a few boards to lay across them, then seek to entertain the crowd for a few coppers by performing various plays. Both are frequently blamed for minor thefts and adept at leaving town if a crowd becomes unruly, but usually know how to use a short sword, bow, or even a rapier. Any armor found in a Player's wardrobe should be immediately suspect. 6 Skill ranks bonus

Outsiders - Foreigners, mercenaries, mages, warlocks and witches. Tolerated only as long as they have coin, and the first suspects when there's a theft or murder. 6 skill ranks bonus.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 22:49

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles


Dwarves - The short, hardy folk, reaching a height of 40-48 inches. Often employed as smiths, engineers, and miners, although there are woodcutters, farmers and bards among them. Dwarvish clans wear tartan patterns to distinguish themselves and have dark vision up to 60'. Tend to favor hammers and battle axes "to whittle the taller races down to eye-level." As both males and females are bearded, it's often difficult to figure out the sexes - including among themselves. (12 skill level bonus)

Elves - Among the longest-living races, they do not reach maturity until 180 years of age, many reach 900. Adventuring age is typically around two centuries. Few travel off of the Isle of Inis, however, as their reproduction is much slower than the other races. Possess dark vision up to 60' and a natural resistance to magic attacks. Elvish culture also places a lot of emphasis on social skills - it's not surprising to discover an elvish ranger of the lowest rank to be an accomplished dancer and singer. Humans have a strange fascination with their pointed ears. (20 skill level bonus, but 12 must go to social skills, typically singing, dancing, or playing musical instruments.

Gnomes - small humanoids with pointed ears resembling children, they reported they 'fell through a gap' while traveling and wound up in a remote corner of Albion. They do not like comparisons between themselves and elves. A full grown gnome stands about 28-36 inches tall, and because of their smaller legs, cannot walk or run as fast as other races, but are very adept at dodging. Dark vision up to 30 feet. Love to explore, craft and tinker with small devices. Most traveling gnomes will have a small crafting tool kit on them. (12 skill levels bonus)

Half-Elves - Children of elves and human pairings, they develop at twice the rate of human children, obtaining full maturity at 36. Raised among humans, they appear to be developing too slowly; while half-elves raised among elves appear to be developing too quickly and may be called "clumsy" or "slow-witted" by ruder elves. Half-elves can, however, grow facial hair, their ears have more rounded points, and have dark vision for up to 30 feet as well as a small resistance to magical attacks. Human-raised half-elves have a few more practical skills, while elvish-raised half-elves have a few more social skills. Half-elves are more likely to become Warlocks or Witches. (15 skill levels bonus, but 8 points must be devoted as per their environment.)

Halflings - Averaging 36 inches in height, the humanoids love to live in comfortable warm boroughs or houses and in general enjoy a friendly, outgoing outlook on life and its many comforts. They are curious and mildly adventurous as long as the food is plentiful and often. They tend to go barefoot, and have tough soles and curly hair on the tops of their feet. While they are not fast, they are incredibly sure-footed. (12 skill level bonus, but 4 must be in social skills)

Humans - The most dominant and adaptable race on the planet, averaging between 63 and 74 inches in height. Tend to socially group, be it in towns and cities or hordes in the wilderness - truly, their strength is in their numbers. (15 skill level bonus)

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 23:03

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles

Skills & Advantages

Dart (Standard or Corded)
Knife fighting
Lance (typically knights/nobility)
Melee (improvised)

Combat Advantages
(requires three or more weapons rank levels)

Blind fighting
Dual-weapon fighting (one-handed weapons only, must have at least three ranks in weapon(s) used.)

Disable Device
Escape Artist
Handle Animal
Knowledge (arcana, caving, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, religion)
Navigation (stars or map & compass)
Profession (Rank 2 of your family's trade or your apprenticeship)
Sleight of hand
Survival (environment specific. West Riding is considered to be woodland and grassland)

Common Advantages
Sense of direction - never gets lost, can always find their way back.
Sense of time - rarely late, always knows what time it is.

Languages (Aiveti (Amorian, spoken by many clerics), Draconic (archaic), Donic (Dwarven), Elin (local), Ijián (Inis Elvish), Jumnaupean (Gnome), Keran (Continental, spoke by Nobles)
Perform (act, dance, musical instrument, project voice, stage magic/illusion, sing)
Sense Motive

At the end of an adventure, players may receive additional skill ranks that they can use to improve their skills or to purchase new ones.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 29 Mar 2021, 23:19

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles


Knife (work tool)
Dagger (may be thrown)
Rapier (typically used nobles and wealthy)
Sabre (favorite among swashbucklers and Calvary)
Cutlass (favorite among sailors and swashbucklers)
Long Sword (expensive sword)
Bastard Sword (requires both hands)
Great Sword (requires both hands)
Hatchet (can be thrown if decently balanced)
Hand Scythe (Sickle) (Cannot be thrown, has a tendency to get stuck)
Hand Axe (Can be thrown)
Throwing Axe
Felling Axe (can be thrown with two hands)
Large Scythe (Often gets stuck)
War Axe (can be used as a short thrusting weapon
Great Axe (must be used with both hands)
Small Hammer
Horsemans Mace
Morning Star
Footmans Mace
Spike Hammer
Staff (wooden pole without a metal cap or blade)
Elvish Bladed Staff (wooden pole with curved blades on each end)
Quarterstaff (shaved wooden pole with metal caps or ferrule)
Spear (can be used as a staff)
Lance (works only on horseback)
Bows & Crossbows
Long Bow
Light crossbow
Heavy crossbow
Gambeson (quilted cloth padded jacket stuffed with horsehair or scrap cloth, to be worn under mail or plate)
Padded Jack (a gambeson with leather or heavy canvas top layer, with several layers, worn as independent armor)
Studded leather
spoiler armor
Chain shirt (requires gambeson)
Chain mail (requires gambeson)
Dwarvish Jack of Plate (small metal squares sewn between layers of canvas and felt)
Breast Plate (torso protection)
Banded Mail (requires gambeson)
Field Plate (straps, requires gambeson)
Full Plate (requires smith to rivit you in)
Half-plate (torso protection, requires gambeson)
Biggins (padded linen cap that can be worn under a chain mail coif or other helmets)
Skullcap - small open-face helmet that protects the top of the head
Nasal Cap - small open-face helmet with a section that protects the nose or has a small visor)
Ventail - small open-face helmet with chain mail that protects the sides of the head and shoulder
Mail Coip - chainmail hood (must use biggins underneath)
Kettle helmet - wide-brim helmet
Barbute - metal helmet with eye and mouth slot
Armet - jousting helmet
Great helm - heavy helmet with eye sits and small holes in the cheeks for breathing.
Buckler - small shield strapped to a forearm, leaves hands free
Shield - strapped to forearm with a hand grip, does not allow two-handed weapons.
Tower shield - more protection, however more unwieldy. Does not allow for two handed weapons.

Wood with metal bosses - cheaper but heavier weight
Metal with metal bosses - more expensive but weight reduction.
Bandolier (eight pouches, buckles at the shoulder)
Belt pouch (small/large)
Block and Tackle
Bottle, pint
Book (blank, various sizes)
Charcoal (fuel/poison treatment)
Chest, Small
Chest, Medium
Chest, Large
Cold Chisel
Comb (wood or horn)
Felling axe (for cutting trees)
Fid (wooden tool for splicing rope)
Fishing net
Flask, one pint
Flint & Steel (fire lighting)
Grappling hook
Hatchet (for cutting wood)
Holy Symbol (available in wood, iron, silver, gold)
Holy Text
Holy Water (1 pint)
Ink, vial
Journal (pages stiched to a soft leather cover)
Jug, one gallon
Lantern, bullseye
Lantern, Miner's
Lock (cheap, average, good, superior)
Mortar and Pestel (wood, stone)
oil flask
oilskin bag (water resistant)
Paper (sheet)
Pen knife (small blade used to cut nibs on quills)
Perfume/cologne (cheap to exotic)
Pick, Miner's
Rations, Trail (one day)
Sailcloth (sold in 1 yard lengths)
Sail needles
Saw, Carpenter
Satchel (leather bag with a strap that buckles at the shoulder, small belt pouches can be slipped on strap)
Scroll, blank
Scroll case
Sewing Awl
Signal Horn
Tent (one man, two man, four man, ten man)
Twine, linen wax (natural or black)
Vial (small stoppered bottle, can hold 1.5 oz or one nip of liquid)
Wood Chisel (various sizes)

Apothecary Chest (contains small boxes/drawers for herbs, and either a wood or stone mortar and pestle)
Artisan tool kit
Chirurgeon's kit (bandages, powders, poultices, ointments)
Grooming Kit
Housemaid Kit (clothing repair)
Mess Kit (plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, spoon)
Thieves' Kit
Tinder Box (flint & steel with either charred cloth, dried milkweed, or some other form of tinder so that it stays dry. More expensive boxes may include a small magnifying lens in the cover)
Carrack (trading ship)
Cog (small trading ship)
Coracle (one man basket boat)
Hand cart
Horse cart
Jolly Boat

Draft Animals
Heavy Horse
Outfit (common)
Outfit (entertainer)
Outfit (merchant)
Outfit (noble)
Outfit (peasant)

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 30 Mar 2021, 01:31

SAMIZDAT RPG - The Mystic Isles

The Mystic Isles setting.

The Mystic Isles

Lying just off the west coast of the continent lies the rich, green islands of Albion and Inis.

Amorian invaders conquered much of island in the New Calendar Year 43, putting much of the primitive human tribes to work, teaching them farming and construction - many of them put to work on what would eventually become the Great Northern Road. However, they were not so successful against the Dwarven tribes settled in both the northern lowlands of Votadonia and highlands of Caladonia. To curb attacks, the Amorians built a wall across the narrow neck that separated the lowlands from the rest of the island - and when that proved to be a struggle still, bribed the lowland clans to keep the high-spirited mountain highland clans from reaching the wall.

Mountain ranges on the south-western side of the island helped to conceal the tribes of the halflings and the gnomes from the Amorians.

With hordes attacking their empire, the Amorians were forced to abandon Albion in the New Calendar Year 410 in order to shore up their empire's defenses. However, they had made sure never to train any of the natives in how to fight for themselves, so with no Amorian armies to meet them, the Anglea were able to take control of the island in the New Calendar year 450, dividing the center of the island into three kingdoms.

In the New Calendar Year 1066, they were conquered by the invading Amberites, who united the three kingdoms of the Anglea into their new kingdom. However, the Amberites found a number of mysteries that none of the Anglean lords could answer - strange mounds, stone circles of various description, odd shrines that the wise avoided, strange weapons bearing strong enchantments, giant figures scratched into the green mountainsides, exposing the chalk that laid shallowly underneath, stories and drawings of strange creatures.

However, what they at first dismissed as fanciful legend soon proved to be very real.

This second island lying further to the west is populated by the Elves, who've divided the land into three kingdoms - Fodhla in the north, Inis Ealga in the middle, and Banbha. While most of the elves live in underground cities, the Inis Ealga built a citadel and town overlooking a bay facing the western shore of Albion, and its here that most outsiders come if they wish to talk with the elves.

Curiously enough, the elven kingdoms had decided that instead of fighting for control, each kingdom would take turns ruling the island, and have done so for over six hundred years.

This small island lies in the Sea of Inis. Very little is known about the island except for its lighthouse and a huge temple, the only one dedicated to the god Bhal.

The Amorians decided to send one of their phalanx, under the leadership of General Caelus Caecilius Agorix, made up of worshippers of Difher, the God of Vengeance. Most of the town was under their control by early afternoon when General Agorix and the head priest Oppius Asinius Pudentius invaded the temple in the middle of one of their rites.

There are many tales of what they found in the temple, but what all the stories agree is that very shortly afterward, the head priest, the soldiers, and every follower of Difher in the Amorian Empire got turned into some very ugly frogs - leaving only the general, who became a follower of Bhal.

Afterward, the Amorians decided that Vannin was to remain completely untouched.

West Riding

In the area known as "West Riding" lies the town of Harrow's Gate. The town's claim to fame is their healing waters - mineral springs that now flow into the bath houses, and with it many visitors, eager to partake.

To the north, three miles away is the village of Killinghall. One of the manor houses breeds hunting dogs there. Another mile to the north-east lies Nordon castle, home of Baron Stratburn. To the East of Harrogate lies the city of Kinburn with its castle, home to Duke Westcomb. Towards the south is the village of Moorhall Green. The moors are to the west, overlooked by Blackmoor Hill and its tower.

There have always been stories of lost treasures, especially among travelers who foolishly attempted to cross directly across the moors to reach the North Road, falling victim to the terrain and the tribes of goblins said to inhabit the area. The battles have left its share of ruins across the land as well, and tales of creatures seen, leaving their marks on walls and trees. One or two of the more interesting can be found stuffed and mounted in the area's castles.

Recently, these sightings seem to be on the rise, which the Regent in Loxton, Prince Phillip Sandall blames on 'excitable villagers seeing things in the dark'. While loathe to send out what remains of the King's Army, he has authorized the granting of charters to small groups to search these out themselves. While he believes there is nothing to be found, he is entitling them to keep half of all treasure found and a bounty on any strange creature they bring in.

Of course, those who have no charter or those who try to cheat the kingdom out of its due, shall find themselves dangling from a rope as a warning to others.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by LilMissLarBear » 30 Mar 2021, 13:59

I dont think ive ever seen anyone create their own rpg story from scratch before- this is really interesting to read! :) I dont mind a bit of RPing myself too! :D

VG mod
DM me if you have any questions!

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 30 Mar 2021, 14:03

This is something I put together for a setting, and seeing how I can expand on it.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 30 Mar 2021, 14:21

They have a lot of stuff really cool looking. I can imagine it.


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 30 Mar 2021, 14:49

I'm basing my map for the islands on the British Islands. The hard part is drawing it in campaign cartographer. When you make a base map, it's really important that you create a copy of it, so if you mess up adding details, you can just start over with the base map.

Looking to expand my advantages list, and coming up with various flaws.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 01 Apr 2021, 21:44

Updated Magic and Skills.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 16 Apr 2021, 03:30



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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 23 Apr 2021, 12:29

Naughty Kitty wrote:
18 Apr 2021, 04:36
Sigh I wish I could write as lovely as you, you really have an amazing talent. :)

Do a lot of writing. It'll come. Talking in character roleplays are good for that.

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