Here's a made up story I wrote several years ago (War of the Worlds - Set in modern day Sheffield, England)

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Here's a made up story I wrote several years ago (War of the Worlds - Set in modern day Sheffield, England)

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Nov 2023, 20:36

War of the Worlds – Sheffield Style
 It’s unbelievable, even in the 21st Century, that there could be even a chance of there being intelligent life outside of our own Mother Earth, no one can scarcely imagine the possibility of life on other planets, yet, across the vastness of the Universe, beings considerably cleverer than humans, are at this moment forming and culminating their plans against us…
 At midnight, on the 31st of December 2007, a green flash erupted in the night sky, astronomy experts at Sheffield Hallam assured reporters from the Star that it was nothing, just a perfectly normal falling star, as far as they’re concerned, anyone who thinks there’s even the slightest chance of anything out there, spends far too much time watching Star Trek repeats on Sky.
 Oh how wrong they were! 2 days later, a big crater-like hole appears just North of the City Centre in the middle of Penistone Road, several astronomers and reporters from both the Star and the Telegraph gathered round to take a look. A Police Sergeant from Snig Hill peered over the side of the hole; almost fell in until a passer by pulled him back. Suddenly, the top of the “hole” started unscrewing, the lid fell off! Two luminous disc-like eyes appeared the rim, and a huge rounded bulk, larger than a bear, rose up glistening like wet leather, then suddenly a tall funnel rose, and each person was instantly turned to fire at the touch of this savage, unearthly heat ray!
 As people ran away blindly, myself included, more Martian tripods advanced on the City, towering above the tallest Buildings, the Town Hall, Meadowhall, even the Arts Tower at Hallam University.. Is this it? Are we all doomed? If Sheffield ever needed a hero, now is the time.
 Weeks passed, and more Martian cylinders landed in the City, one big one landed in the middle of Fargate, between WH Smiths and Marks’, and turned its heat ray on a large crowd of Big Issue sellers and Gouranga Monks! Acceptable losses methinks, but no, all-Human life is to be cherished, we as humans have to drive out these terrible alien invaders from another world somehow, some way, until then though, it seems the City has indeed fallen under the control of the Martians..
 PART 2 – Sheffield under the Martians
 As the people now wander through a lurid landscape, which has now succumb to the red stuff which gives Mars its title of the “Red Planet”, has our City now become an unofficial City of Mars? Have Sheffielders come to accept the Martians into their lives rather than the lost cause of fighting them? Only time will tell.
 A Vicar from Sheffield Cathedral doesn’t think so, he reckons the Martians are just Demons in another form. He ventures out to the main landing site on Penistone Road, armed with his Holy Cross, his wife begs him not to go, the Martians will kill him she pleads, but the Vicar says “God created the Universe, even Mars! They will not destroy a man who does the bidding of the Lord! Satan has sent these Demons to smite us for everything that is wrong with the world, and I, I alone have been chosen to cast them out, and may God have mercy on my soul!” he shouted, as he stormed out of the Vicarage, his wife laying sobbing on the Settee.
 While he was out, the Martians, towering over the Cathedral, the Vicar’s wife cowered with fear at the sight of a menacing claw reaching into the Vicarage and feeling around for things, it almost touched her foot, she almost cried out, and then with slow, deliberate movements it grabbed her, and dragged her lifeless body out of the room and tossed it into a large sack on its back.
 The Vicar heard of his wife’s death at the hands of the Martians, raced back to the Vicarage, went down on his knees shouting, “Nooooooooooo! Satan! Why?! Why did you take her?! Why?! Is there no hope for mankind?” He cried as he collapsed sobbing, clutching his Bible close to his heart as he said a prayer for the safety of the City and humanity from these Demons from hell.
 Meanwhile, Officers and Soldiers from the closest Army base were attacking the Martians with every weapon they had, as the City Centre lay in ruins, could this, our last line of defence, be enough to force our alien enemies to retreat back to their Martian home world? A few were slain, but the others retaliated in kind, their black smoke sending the brave Army men packing!
 All hope appears to be lost! The Martians have conquered the City! When suddenly, everyone felt a chill in the air, and the Martians suddenly began coughing, spluttering, their Tripods falling helplessly to the ground all over the City! Had the Vicar’s prayers for divine intervention worked?! We would soon find out, all across the City Martians were dying of unknown symptoms! And from that moment, they were doomed!
 A few days later. There was a big front-page report in the Star; the War of the Worlds was over, the Martians were dead… Is this really the end though? Across the gulf of Space, has the Red Planet learned its lesson? Or are they simply set back, and planning another attack somewhere down the line?..
 THE END…. Or is it?
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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