[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Jade Dragosani » 04 Apr 2023, 01:45

Name: Jade Dragosani. Though, my given name is Asher. I'm good with either. If you've been here long enough to know my government name, please never use it.
Age: 36
Pronouns: he/they
Location: Logan, Utah
Hobbies: so much reading. Writing, mostly poetry sometimes fiction. Fiddling with paint.
Occupation: I manage a gas station
Favorite Things
Band: Mayday Parade
Song: changes all the time, currently I'm obsessed with "Through Hell" by Citizen Soldier
Book: of all time, Kushiel's Dart Series by Jacqueline Carey & The Foxhole Court Series by Nora Savik & Breaking Jade by Quil Carter
Poet: I really like Neil Hillborn
Poem: The Tyger by William Blake
Food: seafood, shrimp, lobster, muscles, scallops, y'know the stuff I'm too poor to actually eat with any regularity.
Ice cream flavor: Aggie blue Mint (local flavor, but it's the love child of a mint chip and a cookies and cream)
Candy Bar: Caramello
Fast food: chili at Wendy's, or taco truck tacos. They're just better. Fight me.
Home cooked food: cube steak with mushroom gravy.
Smell: fresh cut grass
Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You, Juno, Fried Green Tomatoes

Um, some things to know about me. I'm from Ohio, originally. I moved to Utah for my husband. For those who are UK and not familiar,that's about 1600 miles or 36 hours time driving. I know, cause I moved on a greyhound bus! Look it was 2006 and I was 19.
Fun Fact: I met my husband here on Anime League. If you're ancient like me, I used to be Princess Jade and he was Prince Blake. Secondary fun fact, the reasons I talked to him was an epic series of misunderstandings. We have nothing in common.
I am polyamorous. I have a secondary partner of about 4 years.
I am transgender. I came out about 4 years ago after nearly dying (I got mono didn't know, didn't treat it and my immune system are itself) which in turn led to them finding a mass on my kidney that was cancer, they got it. I'm fine.
I had gastric bypass back in October. So food is currently not my best friend and eating is hard. Still worth it, I've lost like 40 pounds since then. But I have to loose another 40 or so to get down to weight to qualify for a hysto and then bottom surgery.
Um, I have two kids. 15 is gender nonconforming. 12 is all boy and has the worst case of ADHD I've ever seen in my life.
Anyway, I've run out of shit to tell you about myself. So, if you have questions feel free to ask.

Current Read: Find Me, an omegaverse story by AM Arthur

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Noodle » 04 Apr 2023, 02:00


Princess Jade. Loooooooooooong long time ago.
Hope you're doing well.
Welcome back : )
A Guide to Noodle:
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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Jade Dragosani » 04 Apr 2023, 02:03

Noodle, hahaha, yes, well I mean like 2005. I joined AL at 18 while horribly depressed and needing friends and basically during one of the worst periods of my life. But, I met my husband here! (Prince Blake, if you remember me you probably know Ben too) So like, it's not a bad thing as that man is for real the greatest thing that ever happened to me and frankly meeting him probably saved my life.

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by PharaohAtem » 04 Apr 2023, 02:42

Welcome back!!!!

I love seafood. Yes, I agree that tacos from taco trucks are better, I had some months ago, so much stuff on it, and so good. You go somewhere else, and you'll be spending more money for less.


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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Jade Dragosani » 04 Apr 2023, 20:58

PharaohAtem too true. The one nice thing about where I live is that we have some awesome taco trucks as well as some truly stellar brick and mortar tacquerias.
Like, my kids have basically grown up on good tacos to the point where I make school lunch tacos (you know, ground beef seasoned up from the packet) like the kind I had as a kid and they both turn their noses up at that.
No, if my kids want tacos for dinner. I have to plan ahead and do up a pork roast in the crock pot with seasonings and a jar of salsa and let it cook all day until it falls apart. Which is amazing, and honestly not that hard. If I remember to do up the prep. But I don't always.
So like the area I live in is a through and through college town. No joke, they have a parade for USU homecoming, but not for things like The 4th of July, right. College town.
But, the benefit of that is that I can get some awesome foods you wouldn't think to find in small town Utah.
For example: the best Indian food IN THE STATE is this place located in a gas station on the other side of town. They were on that Guy Fierri show not long ago, too. I live for their veggie Marsala. Also, the paneer curry, to die for. What's not to love about curried cheese, though?
We also have a Salvadorian papusa joint. And the best Cajun place. The owners are transplants from NoLa. And they special deliver in their seafood from the gulf so it's all kinds of good. Pricey, but worth it y'know. And then there's the Thai food. Yum. Like, if you're not sensing the theme that I would live on a diet of curry and tacos if my budget permitted, which, for the record, it doesn't. You aren't looking.
We don't cook a lot of curries at home because I have to feed children and they're like, so picky. So a few times a month I make a dinner where I know the demons will just eat ramen noodles instead and the rest of the time I try to focus on meals everyone can have. Such is life. LoL

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by PharaohAtem » 04 Apr 2023, 23:28

We don't have a lot of food trucks so when I see them I'll try out the food. I swear they remind me of the old mom and pop family restraunts that yiu get a lot of good homemade food for a great price. There a hot dog plave that was on guy farari that does Chicago dogs its like being in Chicago whole eating somewhere else. College town I know all about that I live in Wisconsin, I've been to games it's crazy but fun. Greenbay Packers games can be crazy too. I'm from a small town out of state, I sometimes miss it a little quieter then living in the city.


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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Jade Dragosani » 05 Apr 2023, 00:21

PharaohAtem, Green Bay Packers fans are a special kind of wild, from what I understand. I don't really follow football, like I mean, I grew up in Ohio so like if pressed, I have a team (The Bengals, it's the bengals). But like, my brothers are both really into it. Especially the Ohio State vs Michigan rivalry. They've had broken bones fighting over the game when they were younger. It's bad. I am the family disgrace. I never learned to get football, I barely tolerate baseball (I mean, yes, watching fit bums in tight skinny pants isn't a total hardship) and basketball is lost on me completely.
However, a few years ago my friend Bennett got me into hockey. I mean, his reasoning was solid. I read a lot of dirty books with hockey player main characters. Also, at the time my 15 year old was just getting into it too. so it's become our thing. And USU Aggie hockey fans are some of the WORST. I mean, we go to as many home games as we can get to. But like.... it get pretty wild. But that's part of what makes it so fun. (also, the music. i love that music is such a big part of hockey).
And my kid is pretty jealous of our time when we go to games. not even their little brother or my husband or partner are allowed to come with us. it's OUR thing. lol. And I might be that weirdo who brings a book to the hockey game to read during intermission. I usually try to find a new hockey themed read, you know, because it's on brand.

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by Jade Dragosani » 05 Apr 2023, 00:32

So, today was a busy busy busy day for me. At my job we're getting a new food concept, so it was all learning how the new foods are made. As well as things like, doing the paperwork and all my usual duties. AND I'm short employees, which is making it even harder for me. I've been struggling. And I'm going to get int trouble. I know that. And I feel like there's nothing I can do it about it really, which I find frustrating.
Then I got home and found out my husband didn't remember to put the pork roast that we're doing for dinner in the crock pot, so there was no dinner. mean, i figured out I had some smoked suasage in the fridge and some potatoes in the pantry so I made fried potatoes with sausage. Which was a hit. Because I can't actually have more than a few bites of potato, I had sausage fried with cauliflower. Kinda boring, but I'm getting used to it.
Lastly, I was inspired by the prompt for today for poetry of the day. so I wrote a whole ass poem. It's' not super long and its a little weird. Partly becuase I was trying to play with blank space and word placement on the page as well as words. so now I have to think about what work I'm going to take with me to workshop tomorrow.
Song on repeat today: Through Hell by Citizen Soldier
Current Read: Find Me by AM Arthur

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by lolin » 05 Apr 2023, 01:06

just wanna pop in here to say that although i don't do much poetry reading, the tyger by william blake is also my favorite poem : D

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[Jade Dragosani] I'll Keep My Soul If You Can Promise The Same

Post by PharaohAtem » 06 Apr 2023, 21:24

Ohio state verses Michigan yeah that's one of crazy rivalries dl8ke the greenbay packers verses the Chicago bears. I don't watch much basketball either. Baseball yes I'm a milwaukee brewers fan abd there doing good right now. Hockey I watched it every once in a while used to be a huge hockey fan, not as much but I do look ever so often to see how things are going. Was a penguins fan. I got a lot of spirts cards. I guess you can say I was a bit of a tomboy. Well I hung out with a lot of guys my age when I was a kid.

I used to write poetry I'll post some so you can see. I kinda moved and was more into longer story writing. I got into rpging. I read lots of books though. I'm kind of a book worm actually I am one.


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