The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 16 Aug 2023, 20:28

So this morning I was up just after 7, went for a wee, and came down, Dad did a protein shake as Mum was asleep on the Sofa.

I checked the emails, nothing too important, so I went back up and had a shower and then a shave, and then came back and had some breakfast.

And then we eventually set off back to the Flat, I had a coffee on arrival and watched a load of TV, Kieran arrived just after half 11, my original agenda was to pop to the gaming cafe in Town, but we decided to stay in and channel surf.

Watched The Bill, had lunch, and then classic Emmerdale and Corrie, and then Lingo at 15.00, he and I are quite good at that, in fact last year I applied for me and him to go on it as a team, they still haven’t got back to me to date.

This was after I received some emails from Michelle Smith from SYHA about various issues, they’ve confirmed that they’re coming to fix the shower, which I never use, between 12 and 16.00 next Tuesday.

And apparently Creaser’s back next week, no doubt he’ll request a meeting, I don’t like the guy though, never have, never will, however I have to tolerate him as he’s the only keyworker available.

Plus I rang up about 3 times regarding other stuff, and they hung up on me from the SYHA, I eventually did speak to someone, waste of time though! Grr FFS, I hate speaking to this company! I’d get more sense speaking to next door’s dog.

I’ve requested to move but it’s unlikely social services will do anything, we don’t even have a worker at the moment beyond some waste of space duty worker who doesn’t know my history.

I did find out this morning that I have an MS Teams meeting tomorrow at 14.00 re that new job from work, the training for which is on the 30th of August online.

Hopefully I’ll get paid for that as it’s 2 and half hours.

Like I’m supposed to get a payslip next week, I know for a fact there’ll be nothing on it.

I also spoke to Laura last week about changing the shift slightly to attend an SYP recruitment thing at Niagara next Wednesday, Kieran says she hasn’t told him! And now she’s off for 3 weeks so I had to email Paul Hubbard! That man has the communication skills of a plastic duck with the late Keith Harris’s hand up its arse and never responds to ANY emails or messages.

I wouldn’t mind but it’s not like she didn’t have the required 2 weeks notice when I informed her of it last Tuesday after reading it from a contact on Linkedin.

In other news, my Bat ears have come this morning, I’ll try and get someone to help me make the big wings before the comic con in Town next month.

I bought enough black fabric from Hobbycraft yesterday.

Earlier tonight, after tea, we thought TKD was at the normal 20.00, turns out we should’ve gone an hour previous! D’oh! I’ve spoken to Mum and Dad about going to the 19.00 at Wesley Hall on Friday, Mum says they’re busy.

Oh well, I’ll just train twice as hard on Sunday, even if it kills the hearing aid.

Right, I’m off for a shower.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 17 Aug 2023, 16:13

So this morning I was up just after 7 as usual on a Thursday, even though I showered last thing last night.

Came down and checked last night's Lottery ticket, predictably it was no good, although apparently someone did win £2M on 6 numbers.

Then I had the usual protein shake, went up and got dressed, and then came back and had some breakfast and did some more PC work.

Around 8.30 we set off my course, went via the Flat as Dad thought my glasses were there, turns out they're here! D'oh! Arrived at my course just after 9 and went in, had a coffee and watched some YouTube, and then set off doing a ton of editing on the Meat Loaf tribute project, it's nearly all done now that, and we're starting the next project next week, summat about a Train called "Old Smoky", one of the other lads' ideas.

I left just before 12 after next week's session plan, I reminded Wallace that I have an early Hospital appointment and probably won't get till between 10 and half past, I just hope they don't take all day about sorting the hearing aid issue up at the Hospital.

When we got back, I had lunch, and watched a recording of today's The Bill, some old dear with Alzheimers got burgled, she lost £50K, a TV and a carriage clock.

Then I thought I'd got an MS Teams meeting for work at 14.00, in actual fact that didn't start till about 40 minutes ago, very productive.

Bring on next month's payslip for about 2 and half hours of paid training.

Plus actually doing work for which I get 4 or 5 hours pay per time hopefully, plus travelling time up to Wakefield and back and that's about a 3 hour round trip depending on whether it's to Westgate or Kirkgate Station.

Show me the payslips! Although that's not the main reason I'm doing this job, I actually want to work, and not just to prove that contrary to what the Internet says about me, I am NOT a workshy slave to the benefit system, I actually have worked, just not for money apart from when I used to get paid for the regular MS Teams meetings from this job up to towards the end of last November.

Right, I'm off for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 18 Aug 2023, 16:56

So this morning I was up around half 8, had the last of the protein shake, and did the emails, Kieran arrived around 8.50, I had a quick bath as the original agenda was to see the new Blue Beetle movie at 11.30 at the Odeon, but typically it rained so we stayed in.

And played A Castle Full Of Cats on Xbox and got a ton of achievements on it for finding little cats and bats.

Some of which were quite hard to find but we did it.

After lunch, Kieran went to Tesco for me and got a few bits such as milk and this week's TV Choice.

I know it's kind of cheating but I asked him to wear my Fitbit watch and get me some steps up lol, over 1300 there and back and walking round Tesco.

I've been trying to contact Kim from work about that meeting from yesterday, I had a couple of extra questions about the travelling expenses, typically she doesn't work on Fridays, and won't respond to emails till Monday at least.

Plus I rang the manager in Nottingham, Paul Hubbard, because Laura's on annual leave for 3 weeks, to see if he knew if I'd get paid for the 3 hour round trip on the Train, Sheffield to Wakefield and back for work, he didn't! I also wanted to ask if I could book an Uber to the venue from the Station, and claim the fare back on expenses? Nobody other than Kim knows that either! WHY do they employ pointless managers who only work 2 days a week and have the communication skills of a duck?!

Oh well, at least it's confirmed as of yesterday that I'm definitely working next month, and will get paid for it.

But I'm not just doing this for the payslips, I actually want to work.

And not just to prove to online trolls that I am NOT a workshy slave to the benefit system.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 19 Aug 2023, 14:39

This morning I woke up just before half 6, and went to the loo and came down, Mum tried to send me back to bed as it was too early to get up (well she would make me take my watch off last night!) but in the end I did some PC work and had the morning protein shake.

Eventually Dad got up and I had some breakfast, coffee and tablets, and then we set off for the Flat.

On arrival, I had another coffee, and did some more PC stuff, then at 9.40, Jamal arrived, I'd got a movie booked for 10.50 plus I wanted to nip in Poundland first to look for something so we set off for Town.

Got off at the Cathedral on a Meadowhall bound Tram, went to the cash point to check my balance, not much left so I need to be careful till I hopefully get paid from work and the benefits next week.

Poundland didn't have what I wanted, security bloke said to try Wilko, you what? They went bust last week! In the end I went in B&M, useless assistant didn't even know what I was on about!

So we just walked to the Odeon for the movie, and then problems started.

I tried to log into the MyOdeon app on my phone to get the booking up, reset the password twice and it wouldn't log in, you can imagine my reaction! I queried it at the desk, she said my account had expired and I was like "Are you avin' a laugh? I only signed up last November!" it's in the hands of customer services now, I don't expect a coherent response till Monday if not tomorrow, and I have another movie booked tomorrow morning, I may cancel.

Pretty good movie though, all about stray dogs, I recognised one of the voices and thought "that's Isla Fisher innit?" and it was! Said so in the end credits.

Lots of swearing and sex references though, not really suitable for sensitive or younger audiences.

After the movie, I knew the Owls were at Home this afternoon and I didn't fancy being on a Hillsborough bound Tram after 13.00, so I booked a Taxi from Excel, the irony is, Uber would've been cheaper but I didn't have the funds on my card! £7 fare? Eh? Fortunately I had just enough cash left.

Only trouble there is I have almost no funds for tomorrow left unless I scrounge a tenner off Mum or Dad.

When we got back, I had a sandwich and a coffee, and did some more PC and then Xbox work.

Eventually Dad arrived and we came back here.

That's all.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 20 Aug 2023, 16:11

So this morning I was up just before 7, came down and had the protein shake, and then later, breakfast after getting dressed (I showered last night), around 8.45 we set off for the Flat, arrived, I put my phone on charge, it was on 45% when we had to go out for the 11.20 movie at the Odeon, so around 10.30 we set off for a Town bound Tram, got off at City Hall and called in O2 to discuss phone issues, bloke tells me the problem is now sorted, it clearly isn't, my apps still don't work! Smh! If I wasn't still paying off my phone to the tune of about £500 I'd cancel the network subscription on principle, the customer service clowns are hopeless.

Good movie though, Elemental again, and this time we saw it all, including the short movie beforehand about an old bloke going on a "date", confounded by his dog.

Booked a Taxi to come back, and then I realised I should've asked Dad for some extra cash, as I was 25p short to pay the full fare, I just had to get out on Infirmary Road, near Tesco, and walk up my road, that was good for some extra steps on my Fitbit though so it wasn't so bad.

I just told the Taxi bloke to pass it on to add 25p to the next fare from City, which will probably be some time this week, possibly to Niagara on Wednesday for that SYP recruitment thingy, although given that I have training for a new job with my current company next week, I'm debating whether to skip the SYP thingy.

I possibly have another MS Teams meeting for that this week, when I spoke to Kim Arnold last week, she says they're having a meeting tomorrow to discuss the scheduling for the new job role, not that good timing when Laura's on annual leave till the week after next and she does all my scheduling/rotas.

I wouldn't mind but Paul Hubbard's about as much use as a chocolate teapot and never answers phone or email messages unless he wants something.

TKD at 19.00 again, got it mixed up last Wednesday and thought it was back to 20.00! Sir says it's 19.00 on Wednesdays and Sundays all month, and if it's successful, he might make the change permanent, which actually suits Dad and I, particularly on a Wednesday as it means I can come back just after 20.00 and watch most of Corrie.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 24 Aug 2023, 20:39

So yesterday I woke up between 6 and half past, came down for a protein shake after a wee, and then did some PC work.

Got dressed and cleaned my teeth, and we set off for the Flat as I knew Kieran would arrive before 9 even though it says 9.30 on the sheet (he does it every time despite being told by me, and Laura, not to)

I thought I’d got training for that new job all day 10.30 to 16.00 as per the MS Teams message I got on Tuesday, turns out the training is next week, 11.00 to 13.30, I wouldn’t mind but I was looking forward to next month’s payslip if it had been 5 and half hours of training.

Oh well, I’ll still get paid for 2 and half.

In the end, I just watched Kieran get me 400 points on Firewatch on Xbox.

He left after lunch, and later on, I came back here, via picking Mum up from Iceland as she’d gone shopping for me due to a Freezer issue.

Later on, after tea, it was TKD, good session apart from I got told off by Mr S for various comments on Facebook.

Although to be honest I’m getting fed up of being attacked by trolls on there so I’m strongly considering deleting my account, especially when my best friend from TKD’s blocked me.

He says the mock grading’s in Crookes on the 16th of September, unfortunately it clashes with the Anime League comic con in Town, and I can’t not go to that as I’ve had the tickets since January.

He says to record myself doing a pattern and all the moves and send it in.

If he judges it and deems it good, he might let me grade on the 28th.

I’ve provisionally booked an earlier shift on that date, cry more about the request for 2 weeks notice, they have a month’s worth.

After class, I had to come back to the Flat, as our Dave and family are up till tomorrow.

I watched Corrie, had a coffee and was in bed just after 21.00.

Moving on to today.

I was up around 7.45, I was just having my protein shake when Mum and Dad arrived, so I had a very quick bath, cleaned my teeth, got dressed, and then had breakfast and we went up to the Hallamshire for the hearing aid appointment.

That went considerably better than I thought it would, and with luck the aids won’t keep breaking now.

And she’s requested new moulds and everything as urgent.

Only problem with that is they’ll book another appointment probably next week, on a Thursday, however Mum says not to book it till after lunch so I can still attend FlyCheese.

Which I did this morning, despite initially telling Wallace that if I didn’t get till after 10 AM it wasn’t worth going in.

We did get a lot of work done though, last minute checks to do next week, and then chuck the Meat Loaf project on YouTube.

And move on to my next personal project, a green screen flying sequence dressed as Shazam.

Either that or a TKD demo/self defence tutorial using my skills.

Or even ventriloquism using either the Cuddles or Orville puppets.

After class, we came back Home, and had lunch, and I did some more PC work and sent some emails for work and stuff.

Later, it was tea, Chicken Chargrills and chips.

Got back to the Flat about an hour ago, and will hit the sack shortly.

Right, I’m off.

Oppenheimer at the Odeon tomorrow at 12.

Although I’m sure I’ll be asleep through most of it.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 26 Aug 2023, 16:56

So this morning I was up between half 7 and 8.

Came down and had a protein shake, then got dressed, and we set off back to the Flat, I had some breakfast, and a coffee, and watched TV for a bit, around 9.20, Jamal arrived, I had another coffee, and I tried on the new Bat costume (actual Bat, not Batman - see the pics in the cosplay section from this morning and a bit since) and it looks pretty fab (couldn't get into it at first though)

After a spot of gaming, and then another coffee, I got changed into my white TKD Dobok and we went across to the Ponderosa to do some pattern and 2 step filming, which annoyingly was cut short by heavy rain, weather permitting we'll try again tomorrow.

I was originally intending to nip to Town to try and get some new joggers, seeing as I've lost a ton of weight since I got the original grey joggers, they're now a bit baggy! However we had to go back and have lunch due to the rain.

And then I downloaded a new game I bought yesterday called Truth, and got some achievements, I'll get the last 6 cheevos on that tomorrow.

I uploaded the Bat photos on here and Google Photos, and Jamal left around 14.20 just as Dad was arriving.

Also this morning, I rang Sky up, for the third time since yesterday, and have removed Sky Cinema from my package, saving £9 a month (You what? They told me yesterday it'd save £12 a month - £144 a year!) if I could find a cheaper provider for Fibre/Landline/TV with UK call centres I would, but I can't get Virgin (and wouldn't if I could, African call centres are the bane of my life! And no, I am NOT racist) and I was on Talk Talk about 2 years ago before I left in favour of local firm Plusnet, and eventually even they became a pain to deal with.

We came back here via picking Mum up from Home Bargains, I've been trying to use various apps to create a video collage of my Bat pictures, with varying degrees of success (check my YouTube channel)

I've sent the pattern and 2 step footage from this morning to Mr S on WhatsApp, no response yet but he's always busy, like somebody else called Dave I know (my Brother)

Right, tea imminent so I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 27 Aug 2023, 14:43

So this morning I woke up around half 6, went for a wee, and came down, nobody else was up so I went on the PC, and checked last night's Lottery ticket, not even 1 number! Drat! And it's another rollover on Wednesday! After all that, I went back upstairs to get Dad up, he was just getting up anyway, and I got dressed, and we set off back to the Flat.

On arrival, I had the morning protein shake, and then a bath, and then breakfast.

Jamal arrived around 9.20, I had another coffee, and then around 10ish we set off for a Tram to Town, as I had an agenda to try and get some new joggers from somewhere, I couldn't be bothered to walk down the Moor to Sports Direct, so we went in M&S, I found some black ones and tried them on, they fit really well, so I thought "Yeah I'll 'ave those", £20 though! Ouch!

And then I went in McDonald's and ordered a coffee and a thing of Porridge, tried to get a milkshake but they'd none available (well it was only just turned 11, possibly a bit early yet)

After all that, we got on a Middlewood bound Tram from the Cathedral, and went to the Hillsborough Park stop, and went in the BHF charity shop (I wouldn't normally buy clothes from a charity shop but I wanted something cheap) and bought a white shirt, then we went in Peacocks in the Precinct, and I bought another more formal white shirt, as I have work stuff coming up next month.

Next, I went in Heron Foods and bought 4 pints of milk with a longish date (expires a week on Monday, the 4th) and this week's TV Choice.

When we got back, I had lunch and a coffee, and then printed out the moves off Mr S' website, and we went across to the Park to do live filming for the grading syllabus, managed all of it this time, including intermediate semi-free sparring, I await a verdict from the Boss, I don't know if he's seen it yet?

Came back across to Home, had another coffee, and gathered some games/DVDs to bring back here, and then Dad came a bit after, did some measuring in the Office, and we came back here.

Now I'm just doing this.

Training at 7 PM tonight, looking forward to that.

I actually prefer the slightly earlier sessions, particularly on a Wednesday, means I can come back and watch most of Coronation St, and be in bed by 21.30 for FlyCheese the next day when I have to be up between 7 and half past.

I usually have a shower before bed to save time on Thursday morning, and so I can have an extra 10 minutes in bed.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 29 Aug 2023, 19:02

Busy day today.

Up just before 8, went on the bog, made a protein shake, and then watched some TV and later, did the protein shake.

Jamal arrived around 9.20, after breakfast I had a quick bath, and got dressed, as I had an agenda to spend all morning returning a white shirt I bought from a Charity shop in Hillsborough, then get a coffee, and then pop to Marks' in Town to try and collect some black trousers I ordered on their website last night, not available till Friday.

Although, which idiot decided to put a ton of cream I didn't ask for on my milkshake, and charge me £4 for the flippin' privilege?!

And then I called in Hay's Travel in the Precinct to attempt to discuss a short family Holiday during October half term, no chance! The shop was that busy I'd have been waiting till Christmas to get seen!

Anyway, we walked back for a Town bound Tram, got off at the Cathedral, and went in Marks', armed with the printed receipt for them trousers, as mentioned, not available to collect till Friday, I protested and said I'm here now, I may as well talk to next door's dog! I wouldn't mind but I actually tried to book the collection for today last night, and there was no slots till Friday.

In the end I just went in Cavell's and ordered a coffee, and then went to the Kiosk at the Tram stop and bought a Snickers and this week's TV Choice (Woot! Mrs Brown's Boys back next Friday, new series!)

Sadly they might be
killing Cassie off in Corrie next week, played by the gorgeous Claire Sweeney

I was tempted to hop back on a Meadowhall bound Tram and pop down to Hobbycraft to discuss a crafting class on Friday afternoon, but I could no more use a sewing machine than put on that Bat costume I bought on Amazon last week and fly with the wings lol.

So we just got on a Hillsborough bound Tram and came Home via walking through the estate from Netherthorpe Road.

Made a coffee when we got back, went for a wee, and put the PC on and did some songs on Singsnap.

Eventually Dad arrived, and we came back here via picking Mum up from Lidl.

Just had tea now I'm doing this.

Work related training tomorrow.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 30 Aug 2023, 19:55

So that training didn't happen, rescheduled to the 13th of September 9.30 to 11.30, although to be honest I could do without it being that early, particularly on a Wednesday, plus I've been trying to contact Kim Arnold all day to re-reschedule it to either tomorrow or Friday! No chance! I wouldn't mind but it's partly Dad's fault I had to reschedule in the first place, he told me on Monday that someone was bringing a new desk for the Office today to the Flat, despite me mentioning last week that I was working from 11.

That and I've been trying to contact Laura all day about various stuff that's come up for the September rota including TKD stuff and the AL con on the 16th, ideally I want someone not called Jamal to attend that, no disrespect to the lad, but I hate taking him to cons, he has the attention span of a 2 year old despite being 19, and keeps wandering off, that's when he's not glued to his phone.

I've also requested that when I go on the first job for work, don't send him, for the same reason, I need someone who doesn't have the attention span of a 2 year old, and can help me make a good impression, and at the moment that's Kieran or Laura, and Laura hardly ever works due to childcare issues plus she's on annual leave till tomorrow.

I'll try and give her a call tomorrow.

Just got back from TKD a bit since, it's back to the normal 20.00 to 21.00 from Sunday as the schools go back next week.

And I'm going to try and somehow get Dad and I to Nottingham for the North Midlands Championships on the 17th, even if it costs me £18 for open return Train tickets plus event entry tickets.

Right, I'm off for a shower.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 02 Sep 2023, 15:40

So I was up around 7 yesterday, came down and had a protein shake, had a shower, and then got dressed.

Checked emails, nothing important.

So we set off back to the Flat, despite no indication from Laura if anyone was coming or not, because Kieran told me on Wednesday that he was on holiday till the week after next, Laura is aware and has covered all the calls (allegedly, I still don’t know who’s coming next week cos she ain’t send the feckin’ rota! I wouldn’t mind but I have to chase her for it every ruddy month!)

During the morning, I waited till 9.45, nobody arrived so I’m on the landline to Laura (mobile was on charge), no answer! Eventually she rang me back and said no one was available! (I wouldn’t mind but this ALWAYS happens when I have an agenda to do stuff! Plus they’ve cancelled on me for next Wednesday due to staff training!)

Fortunately I decided sod ’em, and did everything I needed to do myself, including a trip to the Bank in Hillsborough, and then a trip to Town to purchase various items and return 2 Library books.

This was after Andy Frost from social services rang on the mobile (when it was fully charged) requesting a meeting next week for the annual review, I’ve informed Laura, and she says her attendance depends on when it is, so basically any day except Monday, Wednesday or Thursday next week, which leaves Tuesday or Friday, and like I said, I don’t know who’s coming at all next week because empty head ain’t sent the sodding rota yet!

I also tried to ring social services, I hate complaining about Choices but I have no choice, too much has gone wrong lately, I can’t get rid of Choices though because if I do, I’ll end up with some worse than useless cheapo company such as Fusco Brown!

If we do end up with some kind of review, things will be said, so I need Mum and Dad there to keep me under control.

I elected to stay at the Flat for tea and overnight last night, I would’ve had to come back either after tea or early this morning anyway.

So I had a late tea, watched Corrie, and rang Home to say good night after 21.00 and went to bed.

Moving on to today.

I was up around 8.45, went for a wee, made a very lumpy protein shake, and later, breakfast after checking the emails, nothing important.

Jamal arrived around 9.25, after breakfast I had a quick bath (he’s a nice lad but he can’t even run a bath without having 1 hand on his phone! WTF?! I’ve already had words with Laura on the subject but I guarantee nowt’ll happen because he’s the only one available for the weekend shifts!)

Like I said, stuff will be said if we get a review with the socials.

I’ve requested that they don’t send Jamal for comic con on the 16th, there’s been a con at Magna today, I wouldn’t have minded going but I didn’t have the funds to get to Magna in a Taxi much less event tickets.

Although I’m sure she’ll send him anyway because nobody else will be available.

I can’t not go though, I’ve had the tickets since January.

Same for work related activities in October.

In other news, I’ve sold a Terrahawks DVD boxset in CEX, they gave me £3 for it and I saw the guy do a 400% markup on the sale label! Give me 3 quid and sell it for £15?! WTF?! Plus they wouldn’t take the WWE Wrestlemania boxset because there was 2 discs missing!

Next time I sell DVDs on eBay and set my own prices, I know that’s a pain because more than once, I’ve sold stuff, sent it off and it’s gone walkies c/o Royal Mail or Evri but at least I get better prices than Crappy Expensive X!

Oh well, I went in Sarni’s for a sandwich, and a bag of crisps and a coffee, their coffee’s not bad!

And then I went in Marks’ and collected the trousers I ordered for click and collect, which I’ve got to take back tomorrow as the legs are too long and the waistline’s too small, I can only just squeeze into them.

There’s no receipt in the damn bag though! I checked!

Oh well, it gives me an excuse to get some more steps in tomorrow.

We came back via Tesco, I went in, used the disabled loo, and went to buy 2 lucky dips on the Lottery for tonight.

I know I won’t win £20M but you’ve got to be in it to win it right? Even if you have almost no chance of winning a penny!

Then we walked back to the Flat, I tried the new trousers on, which as mentioned need taking back tomorrow, and had a coffee and played Starfield for a bit.

Oh and that’s another thing, Amazon sent me a download code on Thursday, which I’ve used yesterday and been playing Starfield, and they sent me the download code, in a box, which came yesterday and I’ve now got to send back via the PO next week.


Also, Royal Mail have sent me an email, a cosplay item I ordered on eBay last week, is stuck in China, and probably won’t come till sometime either next week or the week after.


International sellers should, but won’t, be banned on eBay UK IMO.

Right, I’ve had a rant, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Sep 2023, 16:46

So I was up around 7.45 this morning, came down, and checked emails and stuff, guess what? I won a fiver and a free lucky dip on the Lottery last night!

After a protein shake, I had a quick shower, I would normally have a bath when I got back, but Jamal can't run a safe bath any more, WTF kind of an idiot runs a bath with one hand on his phone?! I've discussed it with Laura but I guarantee nothing will happen.

He runs it too hot almost every time! I got rid of Fusco Browne's last year partly because of that kind of thing! Don't make me get rid of Choices, knowing the Council, they'd put me back with Fusco's or some even worse cheapo company as full time carers, I'd rather move back Home and I know that's nowhere near an option.

Anyway, we set off, arrived back around 8.20, had some breakfast, and a coffee, and then tablets, and I did some more PC work.

Waited till just before 9.30, no Jamal so I rang Laura, he almost never turns up on time, particularly on a Sunday when the Trams aren't as frequent, I thought he got a lift off his Mum or Dad?! He actually arrived at 9.40, Laura rang back at 10 to, I said he'd arrived 5 minutes ago.

After another coffee, we set off for Town, armed with the trousers I bought from M&S last week to return, waste of time! They wanted the black label or they couldn't resell 'em! I wouldn't mind but I turned the bedroom upside down looking for it this morning and couldn't find it, it was right there on the desk in the Office, but we didn't find it till Dad and I looked after Jamal had gone 'ome! I swear if that kid had a brain he'd be dangerous!

Following a visit to M&S, for which we were too early at first as the shop didn't open till 11 and it was only about 10.30 when we arrived in Town, so I went in Starbucks and ordered a coffee, we got back on a Meadowhall bound Tram and went to Hobbycraft, bought some more black fabric (turns out I didn't need it, I found the original stuff I bought the other week in the cupboard! D'oh! Because it was cut to size though, I can't return it)

Fortunately it only cost me £4.50 as I had a 15% off voucher, that would've expired on Wednesday so it needed using.

Then I went in Gregg's and bought a Ham and Cheese Baguette, bag of crisps and a coffee.

And we went back for the Tram to come Home, my original intention was to stop off in Town and call in O2 to discuss technical issues with my phone, I'll do that some time this week, and we just came straight Home, via Tesco for a wee.

Had another coffee, and looked for that black M&S label, which as mentioned, Dad and I eventually found on the desk.

Jamal left around 14.20 (so I didn't get the full 5 hour shift, stuff will be said) and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here.

TKD at 20.00 tonight.

Looking forward to that.

Although due to various issues, I actually deleted my Facebook account last night, albeit on a temporary basis so I can still use Messenger.

It's unlikely I'll go back on FB itself though, I have neither the time or patience to keep blocking trolls.

Right, I'm off.

Oh and on the way back, Dad told me they're coming tomorrow between 08.00 and 17.00 to service the bath chair, so I have to wait in all day, on a Monday! I wouldn't mind but they do this every time and almost never turn up till the end of the day!

Plus it's not that long since they last serviced it!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Sep 2023, 11:42

So yesterday I was up around 7, as we thought they were coming to do the bath seat between 8 and 18.00.

Had a protein shake, and got dressed after a shower, and we set off for the Flat.

Arrived and had some breakfast, and Dad tried to do the tablets, without his glasses on so obviously it all went a bit Pete Tong!

Waited all morning, in between sending various emails and stuff, the bath seat bloke finally arrived around 11.20, was there all of 10 minutes, if that.

After lunch, Dad left, I played Starfield for a bit (and got stuck), and eventually popped out, armed with an Amazon and eBay package, and return labels for both, to Upperthorpe PO.

Initially I tried to cheat and get a 31 from the Martin St Flats, turns out I'd just missed one 5 minutes previous, so it was quicker to walk it than wait for the next one.

Both packages went off with no problems, as soon as I'd got back and checked the emails, the Amazon package had been received and the full refund granted.

I made another coffee, and had a Penguin, and played Starfield some more, and made some calls, to speak to social services and Andy Frost re the requested review meeting, no chance! And they wonder why everyone hates social workers? SMFH.

I also spoke to Laura, to discuss the Jamal issue, she says she'll look into it, although with all due respect to her I guarantee nowt'll happen because there's no bugger else available that knows me, to do the weekend shifts, other than Mum and Dad.

I wouldn't mind but this is why I originally objected on principle to weekend care in the first place, I knew it'd happen eventually that they wouldn't be able to cover.

All this because HE can't not use his phone, not even to run a bath!

At least now Laura's put a ban on ALL staff using their phones and Laptops at work on my time, I just know the likes of Kieran will cry about it! Cry me a flamin' river!

And that's another thing, I also had to send Laura an email, because Kim Arnold doesn't work Mondays, to get the link to the training next Wednesday, 9.30 to 11.30, and I've requested an earlier call because Kim wants Laura in on the training for the scheduling of the first visit, when and where it's at.

She's sent me the link, despite my extensive searching of the work email account, I couldn't find it.

I officially give up.

I can't work with the Jamal kid any more, too much's gone wrong on his watch, he runs the bath too hot almost every time because of the phone issue, and that in itself's a safety issue, so I had no choice but to inform Laura as his boss.

And she's flagged it up to Paul Hubbard as HER boss but like I said, I guarantee nothing will happen because they're so short staffed, if they sack him, God knows what will happen! Plus he'd never work in the care sector again.

Later on, I made a very lumpy protein shake, and about an hour later, Pizza for tea.

And after tea I fell asleep in the chair watching TV so I decided sod it, I know it's not 20.00 yet but I'll hit the sack.

Moving on to today.

After almost 12 hours sleep, I was up just before 8, went for a wee, made another very lumpy protein shake, and half an hour later, had breakfast and a coffee and watched some TV.

Got to around 9.30, no Jamal, so I'm on the phone to Laura, no response! Eventually, around 10 to 10, I did speak to her, and she said she'd try and get someone to come! No chance, it's too short notice!

I wouldn't mind but I knew it'd happen when Kieran announced last week that he's on annual leave this week.

Plus there was the cock up with Mercy last week.

So that's another 8 hours they owe me! I know they won't do anything but things will be said to the socials.

She owes me a 5 hour shift for tomorrow, they're all doing training.

Fortunately she says we can cash it in next Saturday at the AL con at St Paul's in Town, but even that's gonna be difficult because I've requested they don't send Jamal to any more comic cons! I wouldn't mind but that's not directly my fault.

And I can't not go as I've had the tickets since January, and they weren't cheap.

In the end I had to summon Dad, and come back here! That's beside the point though, the whole reason I have support workers is so I don't have to rely on Mum and Dad! They won't be around forever! Especially with Dad's lack of driving ability due to his eyes.

Like I said, things will be said, I don't like it but I have no choice.

Right, I'm off.

And now there's a new issue, the second Bat costume (actual Bat, not Batman) I ordered on eBay, was dispatched from China a week last Thursday ago, and is still in transit from the Country almost a fortnight later.

WHYYYY?! This is the second time since last week, that I've had an issue with a Chinese seller, I had to put a rocket under the seller's arse to get the first package, which arrived yesterday and it's no good! That's beside the flippin' point though!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Sep 2023, 14:31

So this morning I was originally up between half 7 and 8, came down and had a shake, and then went back up for a shower, normally I’d have gone back for the support worker, but Laura informed me last week that nobody’s coming today due to staff training!

So on top of the 8 hour shifts from last Friday and yesterday, that’s another 5 hours they owe me, 21 hours in total, most of a full week!

I wouldn’t mind but I knew it’d happen when Kieran announced last week that he’s on annual leave all this week!

I’ve been trying all week to speak to social services, they won’t talk to me because that overpaid clown Andy Frost is never around!

And HE was the one who rang ME on the mobile last Friday requesting a meeting THIS week for the flamin’ annual review! Which we had almost 6 months ago with that Maxwell bloke!

Anyway, after breakfast, due to being tired and stressed out due to events not totally of my own doing, I went back to bed till nearly lunch time.

And I’ve been in email contact with Laura all day on WhatsApp, she says we can discuss stuff when she comes on Sunday, and she’ll calmly sit there and listen to me go on a LONG rant about everything that’s gone wrong of late.

Which like I said, is not totally of my own making.

They just insist on sending some incompetent 19 year old that can’t not use his phone, not even to run a bloody silly bath!

I just know the socials won’t do anything (unfortunately! And they wonder why everyone despises social workers?! Smfh!)

Also, I got an email from Paypal this afternoon, has charged me £5.99 for a subscription I actually cancelled last week! Obviously I’ve sent a strongly worded email to them and they’ve responded saying they’ll cancel the account and refund the £5.99 which should be back on my card by Friday.

WHY do these incompetent companies still run?! They want reporting to Companies House IMO.

In other news, I tried to log in on the Property shop website for other Flats this end of Town, the log in failed, even when I reset the password! So I rang ’em up, they said to check the email for a new memorable date, so I did, managed to log in and change it back to my own birthday.

Still no available 1 bed properties though till next week.

And even then most of the good ones are up Gleadless and other areas, I am NOT living t’other end of the City, I need to be this end of Town, I know the area, and my family are here.

Oh well, it’s TKD tonight so after an annoying day, I can beat up a punch pad.

I’ve tried to get that Gris game to work as well from Game Pass, with luck it might work on the Series X at the Flat, I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled it here and it still won’t load beyond the title screen, just goes to a blank white screen.

Oh well, at least that new Bat costume’s come, looks like putting a Bomb under the seller’s ass worked again! I shouldn’t have to though, definitely never using Chinese sellers again, who shouldn’t be selling on eBay UK to begin with IMO.

Right, I’m off to try that suit.

Well the suit's a perfect fit (see the new pic I posted in the cosplay section about 4 hours ago)

Training in a bit, although because it's a hot night, I'm sure it'll kill the hearing aid because I sweat working hard anyway.

Fortunately we have an appointment up at the RHH tomorrow afternoon to get new moulds and stuff for the hearing aids.

As a follow up to the appointment the week before last.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 09 Sep 2023, 17:25

So I was up around 6.30, came down and had a protein shake, and then got dressed, after showering last night (for obvious reasons I didn’t fancy a bath)

A bit later, after doing some PC work, we all set off for the Flat.

Arrived around 8.45, I had some breakfast, and a coffee, after we dropped Mum at Tesco as I was in need of some fresh milk, I’d only got about half a bottle left and even that expires on Monday.

Jamal arrived around 9.40 (10 minutes late but I can’t say anything, I know they won’t do anything despite my complaints about him in general)

I had a coffee, and briefly went back to bed due to being tired and stressed,

When I got up, I had an agenda to visit Scope on Division St to donate that Blue Beetle costume that doesn’t fit me, so we set off for the Tram, managed to get a Meadowhall bound Tram, which was full to bursting, I got off on West St, he obviously didn’t see me and got off at the Cathedral! Consequently I had to phone Laura to tell her we’d been split up! I can’t do this any more! I can’t work with a 19 year old who has the attention span of a small child! And Laura’s been informed as such but I guarantee nowt’ll happen because there’s nobody else available for the weekend shifts so I’m stuck with soft lad.

Fortunately Laura’s coming down tomorrow to do the rotas and listen to me whinge about everything that’s gone wrong of late! I wouldn’t mind but I knew it’d happen when Kieran announced that he was on annual leave this past week.

Since a week yesterday ago, there’s been a total of 21 hours missed, Friday the 1st, Tuesday the 5th, and Wednesday the 6th.

She says we can cash in the 5 hour shift next Saturday for the AL comic con in Town, although when I’ve requested they don’t send HIM to any more events, I don’t see how they’ll be able to cover it? I’ve got Dad on standby to come with in case they don’t but that’s beside the point, the reason they come in the flamin’ first place is so I don’t have to rely on Mum and Dad as much, especially at their ages!

I realise they won’t do anything but I have no choice, I need a conversation with the socials.

When we did eventually find each other (thanks to Laura), we went to the Scope charity shop, I gave the guy the Blue Beetle costume, and explained I’d bought it on eBay, from Hong Kong, no good but it’d have been too expensive to send it back there.

He said thanks.

Next we walked down to Sainsbury’s on Division St, near Yates’, and I bought a meal deal, Cheese and Smoked Ham sandwich, bag of crisps and a can of Pepsi Max for £3.50.

As it was too early to go to Marks’ for the trousers, they said after 12.

After a spot of lunch, I called in Virgin Money on Fargate to see if the money from yesterday was back on my card yet, no chance! It’ll be at least Monday that! I wouldn’t mind but I could’ve done with some cash.

Then it was time to go and get them trousers, they hadn’t sent the code via text though, fortunately I just put my name in the machine, and someone brought them eventually.

Afterwards, I went in McDonald’s for a drink (why? It’s always packed in there at lunch time, particularly on a Saturday) I eventually got a McFlurry and a medium chocolate thick shake, had them, and walked back for a Hillsborough bound Tram.

Got off at Tesco, went for a slash, tried to go for a Lottery but I’d no cash left.

So we just walked Home, I asked for a small glass of milk, and he gave me a big MUG of milk! I swear he does it on purpose to annoy me!

After he’d gone, I tried to put my new Bat suit on, it was inside out, and I couldn’t put it right, I’ll get Laura to help me tomorrow.

Eventually Dad arrived and we came back here via picking Mum up from Iceland (the shop, not the Country)

I officially give up! I know I’m stuck but I just can’t do this any more! I mean work with HIM

I also messaged Laura to reinstate the 23rd, I originally cancelled because it’s Mum and Dad’s 51st anniversary, and I thought they’d want to do something, Mum says just a nice meal at night.

Meh, I realise I could’ve mentioned it when she comes tomorrow but then it’d be less than 2 full weeks notice.

In better news, I’ve managed to get some more achievements on Xbox on 2 new games, mainly the Fox Must Eat one for clearing 15 levels.

It’s just annoying that despite earlier this year, MS announced that the syncing issue was “fixed”, it clearly isn’t, the points still don’t get added till ages after.

Oh well, at least I’m winning at the moment.

Right, I’m off to watch some films on Sky.

Mask of Zorro, featuring arguably the most beautiful woman in Wales, Catherine Zeta-Jones,, and then both the Gremlins movies tonight.

Tra for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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