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Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:41
by Beerkeg
//ToDo: Formatting.... Ugh... later.... much much later...

So here we are. I finally made one. Continued updates not guaranteed.

Hello. I'm Beerkeg. I'm a person and I sometimes do human things. This place will be just general ramblings of my projects and other nonsense or indeed anything that comes up.

This is my workshop/bedroom. Many bad ideas are created here and then redundantly executed for fun and frivolity.

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Sometimes I print things...
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Some might say obsessively...

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Other times I break electronics and trick the stupid rocks inside into thinking for me...
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Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 10:47
by unoduetre

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 00:41
by Teeny
Hi Beerkeg! ^^

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 00:44
by Momogari
wait what are them rectangle chips what are they for

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 09:28
by unoduetre

You're like Shirō from the Fate series.

You also sleep in your workshop and you like to play with things, machines, electronics. :D

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 09:36
by Luffynatsu87
Hey [mention=100737]Beerkeg[/mention] great to see you got journal love them 3D Prints still got my jollyboat key ring you gave me in London

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 18:56
by Beerkeg
//ToDo: Nope, still not doing formatting...

I don't like pinging people usually, even when replying to people. Let me know if I should.

Tenny, Hello there!

Momogari, They're the dumb rocks we've tricked into thinking. Tho I wont even pretend to know what all of them do without looking at their datasheets.

Unoduetre, Ooo sounds neat. The fate series is something thats been on my list for a while, but just like the monogatari series, I haven't a clue where to start. The only fate thing I've seen was Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya cause cute loli being cute.

Luffynatsu87, Yeah they've held up surprisingly well considering the sub-par print quality.

And now! Onward to the next bad idea!

Ever since I bought the TV-B-Gone, I've wanted to make a proper case for it. Something that doesn't completely suck. And since thingiverse didn't have any I finally got around to designing one.

Step one: Take rough measurements of all the parts and plan out a rough shape.

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Step two: Fire up Fusion 360 and design a prototype.

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Step three: Make a journal entry before actually printing the prototype and not knowing how many changes need to be made.
Step four: Actually print the prototype.

[Prototype image placeholder]

Step five: Wait for yourself to actually get to this point before continuing the journal

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 19:32
by unoduetre

Start with Fate/stay night (the TV series from 2006)

It's an OK anime, but not the best of the best. But you must watch it first. You can't skip it.

And then watch Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works (the TV series from 2014)

And you gonna love it. :)

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 16:57
by Beerkeg
//ToDo: Nah, formatting isn't actually that important...

Unoduetre, Nice, got it downloaded and sent to my plex server. Guess I know what I'm watching next.

Naughty Kitty, *waves chaotically*

Step six: Finish printing the prototype and assemble everything.
The attachment IMG_20191110_182839_3.jpg is no longer available

Well it kinda sucks and looks nothing like what I planned, but it fits so the TV-Go-Boom_v1 is done.
Version 2 coming when the batteries run out and I have to open it anyway.
1. BatBox needs to be 2mm wider.
2. Button cover to prevent accidental deployment
3. Body redesign to be more appealing
4. Possibly change to 18650 cell or LiPo battery(~300mAh), add charging
5. Reverse engineer PCB and trace new one for better fit with new design. Add charging circuit to main PCB.

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 17:33
by PharaohAtem
Hi beer

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 18:43
by unoduetre
Beerkeg wrote:Unoduetre, Nice, got it downloaded and sent to my plex server. Guess I know what I'm watching next.


Some background info. Both anime are based on the same visual novel, but they present different routes. The unlimited blade works route becomes available after one finishes the first route in the game. You can think of it as something like: "what would happen, if just one small detail/decision of the MC were different." I won't spoil anything else, ha ha. :D Just let me know about your experiences after you watch the first one and the second one. :D You won't regret it.

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 17:19
by Beerkeg
//ToDo: its not really a "ToDo" if you don't write down things you need to do... more of a "Note:". Alternately you could just start the comment and leave it at that...

PharaohAtem, Hello

Unoduetre, Sounds good. I'll see if I can find some time to binge it at some point cause I'm quite slow with watching stuff otherwise.

Pre-weekend low effort content break! First up, Ork!

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He kinda got evicted from his feet when removing the support material, but its fine, he stapled them back on to avoid going to see the PainBoyz.
Also the print quality is terrible. I think this green filament is getting a bit moist and my settings might be a bit off cause my Space Marine looks way better.

Also, been testing out my new "watch"... lets just telling the time is the least important feature. Still don't know if I'm going to use the NodeMCU lolin2.0 board, an ESP8266-F or an ESP32.
The NodeMCU would be good cause I can keep it operational and use the USB port for serial.
The ESP8266-F is technically a better choice cause it has more on-board memory than the ESP on the NodeMCU and has less active components, so I'd get a better battery life. Tho I'd lose the USB serial option and would have to opt for a 232 serial.
The ESP32 is also an option, it has on-board bluetooth and I could just do serial over that, but I haven't messed about with one of these and stored here don't have it in stock.

Another benefit of the NodeMCU is program changes. If I want to update the code or add more features, I can just upload via usb, for the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards I'd need a mosfet to change GPIO0 high or low to upload.

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If I can find a suitable battery + charge circuit tomorrow then I'll get to jump into CAD again this weekend and design a box for this. I am considering just using 18650 cells, but I need to figure out charging, over charge protection, over discharge and reverse polarity and I've just not got around to it yet. Maybe I'll do that for version 2.
I might look into just making an expansion shield for all the power circuit stuff to avoid annoyance with wires and I can probably just use the same usb port for charging.

Now... I should really start working on a cosplay for LAGC. The problem is, I still haven't decided on the cosplay. At first I was thinking a zombie from HL2, that fell through cause I have no clue how to work with silicone.
Then I was thinking a Warhammer 40k inquisitor(not the gothic lads, the robe kin), but I can't find good enough reference images for what I want.
Then I started thinking plague doctor. They look pretty badass and its not that hard to make those robes, I'd just have to figure out the framework for the mask and buy some leather. The only problem I have with that one is that I haven't started it, otherwise it seems pretty simple.
I'm also considering Hashida Itaru cause hes my favorite Steins;Gate character, BUT!!!! I'd have to wear a fucking wig again and wigs make Beerkeg sad. Tho I might still do it because Daru is best girl.
If all else fails, I'll probably do a TF2 Medic. I'm balding the same way he is and I can do a bad "german man speaking english" accent.

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 23 Nov 2019, 07:22
by PortgasDAce
Hey Beerkeg! Loving the work space you've got set up.

Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 24 Nov 2019, 16:16
by Beerkeg
//ToDo: hnnnnggggg... its another one of these...

Naughty Kitty, Well first you lift your hand. Then move it left and right over and over while muttering nonsense. After that you convince a planet or 2 that doing this spreads chaos energy.

PortgasDAce, Thank you. I spent very little effort to make it presentable, but its practical.

Right... so updates have staggered already. Mostly cause of work. Been messing around with a UR5 robot, making a demo program for an upcoming old fancypants people convention where smelly snobs throw business cards at each other.
Programming one of these is incredibly easy, as long as you're smarter than the average bear, you can do it. The mechanical issues tho... getting the accuracy tolerance within reason is... annoying. Not quite an "out of the box" kinda deal. Lots of servo timing tweaking, oiling bearings, and general maintenance. And thats after building an appropriate base for it.
[make gif]

As for other stuff I've been doing... well... there hasn't been much going on... Played around a bit with a new old router I bought 2nd-hand. It turns out to be rather terrible... Not only do you get write-access in the firmware, but you're also root by default in shell... so the attack vector is wide open.
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Also finished wiring up the new watch. Still doesn't tell time very well cause it has no real time clock. But the other features work well. Ended up going with the NodeMCU board and a 18650 cell for power. Gonna have to think about how to do the power switch. I'll have to look into the Wemos D1 board to see if I can turn that off when a battery is connected. That way I can charge the battery while the board nodemcu is off. And then I gotta CAD up a case for this and try to make it at least IP53.
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Re: Beerkeg's grimdark workshop of low effort content (Journal 1/2)

Posted: 25 Nov 2019, 04:00
by PortgasDAce
Man this stuff looks complicated. I'm kind of envious that you have something that you're so interested and involved in.